K-6 Sport
Term 3 Primary Sports Dates
*K-2 Running Carnival 6 September - Back Oval
*11 September Touch Gala Day
*Polding Athletics Carnival Newcastle 13 September
*NSW Netball Cup 25 September
*Armidale diocesan Gala Day Tamworth 26 September
K-2 Running Carnival
The annual K-2 Running Carnival will be held on the back oval next Friday, 6 September. All children from K-2 will run in their age race. Winners of the heats will progress to the finals. This will be followed by year relays and a short presentation. Races will start at 12:00pm with the 8/9 years age group and will conclude at approximately 1:15pm. All families and friends are welcome to come and watch.
7 - 10 Sports News
School Sport
Students will continue our mini-Olympics competition this week. Students have been allocated a country and will compete against 9 other countries in various team Olympic events throughout the term. Students are encouraged to check the secondary notice board each week for ongoing information regarding the competition.
U16’s Rugby League
Good luck to the U16’s Boys Rugby League team who are travelling to Bathurst this Tuesday. The boys are taking on Tumut in the final of the small school's country cup.
U18’s CCC Netball Trials
Congratulations and good luck to Hannah Bourke who was selected in the U18’s Armidale Diocesan netball team last term. Hannah will now travel to Penrith in on the 27th of August to compete in the CCC Netball trials.
Term 3 Secondary Sports Dates
16's Small Schools Rugby League Final Bathurst 28 August
Diocesan Basketball Tamworth 10 September
NSWCCC Athletics Sydney 16 September
Netball NSW Finals Tamworth 25 September