From the Leader of Curriculuum

Stage 5 Elective Subject Selections for current Year 8 students
Year 8 students were sent an email with a webcode this week to select their two elective subjects for Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10). Students study TWO elective subjects which they retain over two years. The handbook with details of each subject, along with the presentations given to students about each subject are available on the Yr 8/9 Chisholm Connect Canvas page which all students can access.
Year 12 Trial exams completed
CONGRATULATIONS to Year 12 students on the completion of their TRIAL HSC exams. The students were highly diligent, and worked very hard to achieve their best in all of their exams. The next step is to work with their teachers over the next few weeks to take on board the feedback from their exams and refine their knowledge, skills and understanding for the last hurdle - the HSC exams in Term 4. We are keen to stay focused and move toward this goal together.
Year 11 Preliminary Exams
Year 11 students have now received their Preliminary Examination timetable. These exams will run from Friday Week 8 (13 September) to Friday Week 9 (20 September). If there are any issues with the timetable please contact Mrs Vella. Students will only attend school on those days when they have an exam. They will currently be recieving an exam notification from each of their teachers with the particulars of each exam to support them in their preparation. Students are encouraged to begin their focused study time at home now, and reduce paid work hours and leisure activities where possible to give themselves every advantage in these exams. We wish them every success in this endeavour.
Year 12 2025 Resources/Textbooks - to start Term 4
The Campion Resource List for Year 12 is now available and can be completed online at Please place your order by Sunday 15th of September, 2024 for home delivery before Term 4 commences.
When ordering online you will need to use the following Access Code: “RKP7”
All orders placed online are delivered to your home, office or any designated address. The parcels will be delivered the week ending Friday 11th of October 2024.
Placing your order online by the due date is the best way to ensure students will receive all available items in time for Term 4.
Mrs Natalie Vella
Leader of Curriculum and Leader of HSIE