From the Principal Leader

Dear students, staff, parents, carers and friends of Chisholm,
We have enjoyed an incredible week here at the college with so many events with high levels of student engagement. A huge thank you to our staff and students for your positive participation in the following college events:
- Year 12 HSC Drama, Dance and Music showcase events where all students demonstrated their amazing talent and hard work in completing the practical components of each of these CReative Arts courses. We wish all our HSC students in these courses all the very best as they perform for the external HSC examiners over the next few weeks. I am confident that our Chisholm will excel in these performance opportunities and be awarded excellent marks that they truly deserve.
- Literature Day 2024 was an outstanding success with high levels of attendance and participation at the college today! Thank you to Mrs Jeanette Lans (Leader of Learning English) and the English KLA for leading this wonderful day of enjoying literature rich activities to inspire and encourage a love of literature. Thank you to our incredible Chisholm staff participation in this day by dressing up and inspiring our students to actively participate in this amazing day of fun and learning!
- Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) camp at Colo River: Our PASS students in Year 9 and 10 participated in an outdoor education learning experience as a key element of the PASS elective course that invites students to engage in an authentic outdoor education camp experience. This year the PDHPE teachers and students were all blessed with beautiful weather allowing them to fully engage in a broad range of learning activities such as hiking, orienteering, setting up camp site equipment and preparing and cooking food. This opportunity forms an important part of their learning and assessment in this very popular course offered in Year 9 and 10 at Chisholm. Congratulations to our PDHPE teaching staff and our PASS students for your engagement, participation and outstanding efforts across the 2 very full days of camp at Colo! Well done everyone!
- 2024 Rotary Youth Vocational Education Awards: I would like to also congratulate our students and staff who were recognised at Diosecan level last Monday evening at Parramatta Marist College where we celebrated excellence in vocational education and recognised the outstanding achievements of young people: Toshani Naicker (Hospitality), Kate Roser (Entertainment) and Rebecca Topp (Primary Industries) and teacher: Mr Geoffrey Clerke (VET Teacher Award) in our school community. A truly outstanding achievement for Mr Clerke for his exceptional contributions to teaching agriculture and Primary Industries VET HSC course over the last 30 plus years at Caroline Chisholm College. His extensive efforts and contributions are appreciated and acknowledged by our college community and beyond.
- Year 11 Luna Park fun day: Congratulations to Year 11 students, Mrs Wilson and the year 11 staff who attended Luna Park this week and enjoyed some relaxation and recharge time. This wonderful opportunity allowed for the girls to continue to build their relationships with each other and strengthen our college spirit. Thank you for your high levels of attendance Year 11 students, making this a worthwhile day for everyone embracing our sisterhood at Chisholm.
May our God of beauty and peace be ever present in your encounters each and every day.
God bless you and keep you safe in his care.
Mrs Tania Cairns
Principal Leader