A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


Kinder Readiness

Thank you to Mrs Bartholomew and Mrs Hofman for their efforts to prepare our Kinder Readiness Program. 


Last Friday marked the fifth week of our Kinder Readiness program. Each week, our day has been packed with fun and educational experiences and it has been so lovely to see the students settle into their 'big school' routines. With the help of their Year 5 buddies, the children are becoming more independent at organising their belongings for recess and lunch, and are enjoying the variety of activities and equipment on offer during the breaks. 


In the classroom, the children have been busy practising writing their names, listening to stories, creating fun craft, learning all about numbers and they have even been practising identifying syllables in words! 


Each week the children visit the library where they have been spending time browsing through the books, sharing stories with the current Kindergarten students and selecting books to borrow for story time at home.


In the afternoon, the children settle their bodies with a mindfulness activity before participating in News, where each child has the opportunity to address the class and speak about the weekly topic. It has been impressive to witness the students taking turns to deliver their news and listening to one another. 


We look forward to seeing our Kinder Readiness friends again this Friday for another fun filled day!

Mrs Bartholomew and Mrs Hofman


School Advisory Meeting 5.00pm & PT & F Meeting 6.00pm


Our final meetings for the year are this Wednesday 20th November in the 5/6 classroom.


I would like to thank our current committees for the extra time they willingly devote to our school community.  Your support is very much appreciated.


School Advisory Council: Michelle Cortis, David Lee, Charlie Simkin, Robyn Wilson, Kate Thompson & Tracey Klitsch.


PT & F: Jenni Hird, Emily Pengilley, Clare Lee, Ashleigh Stevenson &  Janet Bhardwaj.


Keep Smiling!

Pauline Long
