Year 3/4 News

Akshpreet, Leannder and Sean

This term, our Year 3/4 students have been making remarkable progress in their literacy and numeracy skills while also engaging in a vibrant cultural exploration.

Building Reading Stamina

Each day, students have dedicated, focused time to build their reading stamina by reading intently for extended periods. This practice is not only enhancing their concentration but also encouraging a deeper appreciation for language. As they read, students are paying close attention to descriptive language, such as adjectives, enriching their vocabulary and comprehension.

Upleveling Writing Skills

In writing, students have been transforming simple sentences into vivid, engaging ones by adding adjectives, adverbs, similes, and metaphors. Their writing has become more expressive, and they’ve also been working diligently on punctuation, ensuring every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. These refinements are building their confidence and clarity as writers.

Exploring Fractions, Decimals, and Multiplication

In numeracy, students have revisited their understanding of fractions, applying their knowledge to explore decimals. By integrating multiplication and division strategies, they’re gaining a solid grasp of how fractions and decimals interrelate, enhancing their overall mathematical fluency.


Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This term’s inquiry highlight has been a research project on celebrations and festivals from around the world. Students have shared personal and cultural celebrations, fostering a deeper sense of community and global awareness. The excitement continues as they plan their festivals, combining creativity with their newfound cultural insights.


We are incredibly proud of the effort and enthusiasm our Year 3/4 students have shown. Their dedication to learning across these areas is truly inspiring, and we look forward to seeing how their hard work culminates in their upcoming festival ideas.