Year 1/2 News

Hourig, Dilan and Belinda


Students are developing their ability to use letter-sound relationships to help with reading unfamiliar words. Learners are also using their prior knowledge to connect with the text they are reading.


In Writing, students are learning about narrative writing and informative texts. Students are learning to write an opening statement that includes at least three interesting facts and a strong closing statement. Students will review their writing for clarity by reading it aloud to their peers.


This term we are learning about culture and what that means to our young students. We are exploring cultures from around the world as students learn that culture encompasses many things such as what people from different parts of the world eat, and discuss, their religion, how they dress, and their customs and traditions.



This term we are recognising, continuing and creating repeating patterns as well as problem-solving by using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to answer worded problems. Students are highlighting important words and numbers, using concrete materials as well as pictorially drawing images to assist in answering their worded problems correctly.