The Challenge Scholarships

Issue 9

2023/24 Scholarship Cohort

On November 28, Northern Bay College Year 8 students from across our four Junior campuses graduated.  This event marked a significant stage in their learning journey at Northern Bay College with their entry into our senior secondary Goldsworthy Campus.  This event also coincides with the completion of the Scholarship tenure for our 2023/24 cohort of Year 7&8 Scholarship recipients.  These twenty-six students have made strong contributions to leadership and learning at their junior campuses which was shown across the awards presented at the Year 8 Awards evening.  The students (listed below) have performed strongly within their pillars of Academic, Science and Technologies, Sport, Physical Education and Health and The Arts but many students have experienced success and growth beyond their scholarship areas and have promising pathways ahead of them.



2025/26 Cohort

On December 6, we celebrated the latest Year 7&8 Scholarship recipients with a presentation ceremony for the twenty-five members of the 2025/26 cohort.  Large numbers of parents, siblings and staff supported the scholars with their attendance which included a tour of the impressive facilities at Goldsworthy campus that will support their programs over the next two years and beyond.

2024/25 Cohort

On December 16, the College will celebrate the diverse and outstanding achievements of students at our senior campus with the Goldsworthy Awards Day. This will see college and community awards recognising the skills, attitudes and achievements of our students, many who will be familiar to you as alumni of our earlier scholarship cohorts. Furthermore, many members of the Challenge Team can be proud of the awards that you have supported to have included on the day with many new awards being offered to recognise potential, growth and aspiration.


We are proud and grateful of the work that The Challenge Team are committed to. Whilst the raising of funds for student scholarships can be seen as material, more importantly, the scholarships at Year 6 fosters within the students, the culture of applying for scholarships and fuels the aspiration that now sees many of our students receiving recognition and support with local, state, national and international scholarships later in their schooling.  Please read on to see many of the scholarships that our students are shining in during their senior years.