Principal Message

A huge thank you and congratulations to our amazing students, parents, and teachers. This term has been packed with incredible performances, fun experiences, and learning opportunities, and we’re so proud of everything our students have achieved. There are still many more wonderful opportunities to come, so please stay informed by checking notifications and our school’s communication platforms to stay up to date. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community
Last Friday was School Counsellor and Psychologist Recognition Day, a time to honour their important role in supporting wellbeing in schools across NSW. On behalf of the SSPS community, I would like to acknowledge SSPS’ School Counsellor Ms Jill Crosby for her work supporting the students of SSPS.
Staff development days - reminder
There will be a change with the number of staff development days in 2025.
Term 1
Friday 31 January to Wednesday 5 February Staff Development Days
Thursday 6th February: First day for Years K – 6
Term 2
Monday 28th April and Tuesday 29th April: Staff Development Days
Wednesday 30th April: First day for students
Term 3
Monday 21st July: Staff Development Day
Tuesday 22nd July: First day for students
Term 4
Monday 13th October: Staff Development Day
Tuesday 14th October: First day for students
Planning for 2025
As we continue to move through this term, our staff will be working on 2025 organisation and class placements for each child. This process is completed by teachers of the current year level and is overseen by the school leadership team. A substantial amount of time is put into this process considering the academic, social and emotional needs of each child. Other factors to be considered include ensuring a balance of students at each academic level within the class, friendship groupings and specific student needs.
At times, there is particular information that you as a parent, may like considered as part of this process. This may relate to your child’s academic, social or personal needs. Please ensure you inform your child’s teacher in writing. While it is not always possible to accommodate specific requests, we do always carefully consider information shared by parents.
Social media
There are a number of great resources for parents through the eSafety Commissioner
website (see below). It will provide advice on how to talk to your child when dealing
with online safety issues.
A Little Bit About....the Learning and Support Team
Did you know that our school has a Learning and Support Team? You might have heard
of this term before, but we wanted to share a little but about how the Learning and
Support Team works at our school. The Learning and Support Team (LST), meet
regularly with the shared aim of working collaboratively to further support the learning
of identified students. These students include:
- Students who may require additional support with aspects of their learning at school
- Students who are experiencing social and emotional challenges within or outside
- school
- High potential and gifted students
The Learning and Support Team is comprised of specialist teachers, school executive
and our school counsellor. Some of the actions that the Learning and Support Team
may take to provide additional support to students include:
- Developing or reviewing resources and plans to support a specific student needs
- Seeking out small group or individual support for students with additional needs
- Liaising with other sectors of the Department of Education, external agencies and
- families to work collaboratively to identify and monitor areas of need for an individual
- student
If you have concerns about your child, the first person to speak to is always your child's teacher, who may then recommend a referral to the Learning and Support Team as a possible next step. If you have any questions, please email the office and ask to speak with your stage Assistant Principal.