Wellbeing & Culture

Think U Know

Last Friday, Pete and Luke from the Victoria Police facilitated a session for our Year 5 and 6 students on being safe in the multiple communities that they find themselves in, particularly the online community. Everyone learnt pivotal information from these sessions. 

Key messages:

  • Stranger Danger needs to reinforced both in the real world and virtual community: Seek a safe person as soon as possible and report it.
  • Always question who is in online games. If children don't know/see them in the real world, they are not their friend. This includes the 'friends' of their actual friends.

Checklist for safety in person and online:


Appropriate - Could students happily share the content with their families?

Who - Who sees or hears what is being said or done?

Accurate - Is the information true?

Respectful - Is the language and content in line with community values?

Environment - Where are you and what information are you providing to others (even by accident). E.g. Are students sharing images of themselves in school uniform, do images contain information about them (are there trophies/flags behind students that would identify affiliations?)

  • Never leave a 'safe zone', physically or virtually
  • Always leave an 'unsafe zone' physically or virtually
  • Never give any personal details
  • Always report unsafe physical or online behaviour to a safe adult immediately

More Think U Know parent and student sessions will be arranged in 2025. The safety of our children is paramount!


Julie Reid – On behalf of the Wellbeing and Culture Team