Principal Team Updates

from everyone's desk.

Our New School Vision and Values

As previously shared, 2024 has been a Department of Education School Review year for Croydon Hills Primary School. This process, which occurs every four years, involves celebrating the school's successes and identifying areas of improvement against our four-year Strategic Plan and other Department of Education performance measures. This has been a gratifying experience and a great reflection on all we know about our high-performing school.


As a result of the Review our community identified that our school's current Vision and Values don't entirely reflect our evolved school context. After two months of consulting with students, the School Council, staff and the broader community, I can proudly share our updated Vision and Values:



2025 Student Captains


This week our students and staff undertook our process of electing the school’s Captains for 2025. The rigorous process involved written applications, presentations, a student vote, staff reflections, and an interview with me.


Our 2025 Student Leaders will be introduced to the school community at our final assembly on Friday 20th December at 11:45 am.  There will also be a special badge presentation assembly in term 1, 2025.


I would like to congratulate:

 School Captains Noah H Library CaptainsTobey M 
 Nick H Alice Z 
 Isabelle S    
 Edie T Eco CaptainsJono B 
    Sophia M 
 Ovens House CaptainsHamish S STEM CaptainsOwen M 
 Matilda C Xavier P 
 Campaspe House CaptainsLogan L Intercultural CaptainsArya J 
 Sofia  Esther B 
 Kiewa House CaptainsJed P Wellbeing CaptainsCharlize K 
 Lana W Alyssa L 
 Yarra Xander S Performing Arts CaptainsSadie G 
 Daisy W Brodie Mc 
    Visual Arts CaptainsMikayla T 
    Lynnkeita Y 
Noah H
Nick H
Isabelle S
Edie T
Hamish S
Matilda C
Logan L
Sofia P
Jed P
Lana W
Xander S
Daisy W
Tobey M
Alice Z
Jono B
Sophia M
Owen Mc
Xavier P
Arya J
Esther B
Charlize K
Alyssa L
Sadie G
Brodie Mc
Mikayla T
Lynnkeita Y
Noah H
Nick H
Isabelle S
Edie T
Hamish S
Matilda C
Logan L
Sofia P
Jed P
Lana W
Xander S
Daisy W
Tobey M
Alice Z
Jono B
Sophia M
Owen Mc
Xavier P
Arya J
Esther B
Charlize K
Alyssa L
Sadie G
Brodie Mc
Mikayla T
Lynnkeita Y