Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

I had the privilege of coming to school on Sunday afternoon to be entertained by our students who learn a musical instrument in our OHMP. 


We listened to flutes, drums, piano and guitar lead by our very talented and dedicated music teachers. The courage and skills of our students once again made me feel very proud. Their consistent effort to learn the code of music and to create beautiful sounds from their instrument is incredible. Our Out of Hours Music Program is organised by a small team of parent volunteers and I would like to thank them for their work, without which this program would not be able to continue. I know they are looking for volunteers for next year so please consider this small time commitment to ensure this program can continue. 


We had a group of very excited Year 2’s attend the annual sleepover here last Thursday night. From all reports they were very settled and slept well! Their days were filled with alternative activities to complement the event. Thanks also to the parent helpers who stayed and also arrived to help with breakfast in the morning. In a few weeks we have the Year 5 camp and this is the last one for the year. Thanks to the teachers who support the students so well for these events.


School Saving Bonus:

By now you would have received an initial email checking that the Department have the correct email address for your family. The next step in this process is on the 26,27 or 28 November, parents and carers will receive a second email from the Department of Education with their unique $400 bonus code. Families can start spending with suppliers in store and online and/or allocating to school activities. 


A guide for parents of costs associated wschool activities to support you in your allocation of the School Saving Bonus:


School Activities include Excursions/ Incursions and Camps Costs for the Year

Year LevelExcursion/ Incursion Charge- includes all excursions and incursions for 2025/ChildCamp/Outdoor Ed. Charge for 2024 


Twilight Night - $21
Year 1


Twilight Night - $21
Year 2


Sleepover @ school - $70
Year 3


Bayview over night camp - $252
Year 4


Camp Jungai - two nights - $415
Year 5


Portsea Camp- three nights - $555
Year 6


Marysville Camp - three nights - $530


Please refer to this guide or visit the website for more information.


We hope to see you all this afternoon for our annual Art Show and Writer’s Festival. The school will be open from 3:45-5:45 this afternoon for this event. The quality of the work is astounding so set aside plenty of time to read the work and take in the creativity. 


Have a great week

Melissa Mackenzie
