Classroom connections

What's happening in the Prep classes?
Sew a Softie Project
This semester the Prep students made a drawing design of a toy they would love to have. Our Grade 5/6 students used the Prep students designs to sew the toys by using felt and poly fill and then stitching them together.
Last week the year 5/6 students gave their toys to the Prep students. The Preps could not believe their designs had come to life!
Thank you very much to Ms Wright and the 5/6 students for all your hard work put into such a special project!
Circus lessons
During the Step into Prep transition mornings for our 2025 new students, our current Prep classes have participated in a series of fun activities. They attended circus lessons with Mme Laforest. They were initiated to hoola hoops, pois, circus sticks and scarves juggling!
Écriture / Writing
Les élèves de Grande Section ont fait de superbes efforts tout au long de l'année pour améliorer leur geste d'écriture, leur tenue du crayon, découvrir les lettres en cursive et commencer à les écrire. Cette semaine, nous avons passé un cap : nous avons appris à écrire toutes les lettres en attaché ! Maintenant nous apprenons à les lier pour écrire des mots. Bravo !
Prep students have worked hard throughout the year to perfect their writing technique, their pencil grip and discovering and practising writing in French cursive. This week, we've accomplished a goal - learning to write all 26 letters of the alphabet in cursive ! We are now working on linking them together to write words. Well done preps!
Berthe Mouchette award ceremony
As experienced by Dolly Ann
Berthe Mouchette
On the 16th of November, I got the opportunity to perform my poem in front of all the Berthe Mouchette winners in Carnegie Hall. This year was the 130th year of Berthe Mouchette. This experience truly blew my mind, starting with the hundreds of eyes staring up at me when I walked onto the stage and when I recited my poem fluently, I felt like I was on top of the world. I can remember the unforgettable sound of thunderous applause and when I bowed my head to have the medal put on my neck. My teachers were there to support me no matter what and I made new friends really quickly. The buffet was delicious and there was even a real tower of macarons! The best part was when I had the chance to observe everyone recite their poem, there was the non-background and the background reciters and there even was an entry that was drawing competitions and videos from high-school students. At first I was stressed but then I learned to embrace the feeling and enjoyed the rest of the night. I only have one word to describe the feeling of being there: wonderful!
~Dolly Ann Leung
Victorian Marine Ambassadors Program
The final VMAP workshop of 2024 was on 7th November at Ricketts Point. We had a fun day by the beach and the weather was great. It was warm, sunny and only a little breezy.
We started with an indigenous session where we learnt a lot about indigenous perspectives of environmental care. We also tried to make fire (safely of course)!
We did a sand sorting activity, and we explored the rock pools, which contain all sorts of interesting things. We also received our certificates for having participated in the program this year.
It was a fun workshop to finish the year. The workshops were wonderful opportunities to participate and learn about the environment and also make new connections with other schools and educators.
CERES excursion
From Eloise-6F
Mercredi à Cérès j’ai appris que les doses de CO2 dans l’air sont actuellement élevées. Si on n'arrête pas bientôt, on sera sur un chemin sans retour! On a aussi appris que chaque action peut mettre en danger tout un écosystème. J’ai aussi appris que j'utilise au moins 7 choses qui proviennent de l'énergie fossile tous les jours!
From Alekss
La journée à Ceres.
Mercredi ā Ceres, on a participé à trois activités très intéressantes. On a commencé par un jeu sur les activités que les humains pratiquent et qui présentent un danger pour les écosystèmes. Puis on a mangé notre en-cas. Ensuite on est allé dans une salle où on nous en a appris plus sur le réchauffement climatique. Après avoir fini cette activité, on est allé manger notre repas. La journée s’est terminée sur une visite du centre. Cette excursion était très intéressante.