Student Wellbeing

Term 4
SRC Celebration
This week we have had an end of year celebration with the 2024 SRC members. As we shared a lovely morning tea, we reflected upon the impact the SRC has had this year at Concord School.
Student reflections:
- Special days such as Harmony Week, Green and Gold Day for the Australian Olympic Team and acknowledging the National Week of Action Against Bullying
- Representing Concord School at the ANZAC Ceremony
- SRC Camp
- Making the school a better place to be
- New play equipment in Upper Primary and opening of the new yard areas
- Opening of the new Secondary 7/8 building
- School Captains and Upper Primary Leaders representing the school at the ANZAC day parade
- 50 plus 1 Celebrations
- Raising awareness for mental health
- Helping each other in class and on the yard
- The positive impact SRC representatives continually present at school
We are extremely proud and thankful for student voice and representation through the SRC.
Farewell Year 12s!
Farewell Year 12s!
Recently I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Year 12’s Mornington Peninsula Regional Experience. This trip is aimed to provide students with an experience of a lifetime! It’s their last school trip with their friends – you could call it ‘Schoolies!’ The group stayed at Iluka Lodge, located in Shoreham, and demonstrated independence and responsibility when staying with each other. Our itinerary ensured that we enjoyed many fabulous experiences:
- Enchanted Adventures – Tree Surfing
- Dinner in Rye
- Stand-up paddle boarding
- A boat cruise from Sorrento Pier around Seal Rocks
- Relaxing in the Peninsula hot springs and
- A gondola ride at Arthur’s Seat.
The Year 12 students will be Graduating this week then transitioning into pathways that include: employment services, transition to employment programs, Tafe and other further study options, disability support agencies, and many students are linked with individualised support programs through the NDIS.
I wish the Year 12 students all the best with their future pathways.
Supporting your Child with Transition
I can hardly believe we are so close to the end of the year! Unfortunately, this can cause a lot of uncertainty for our children: transition to new classes is discussed, routines are changed due to incursions, excursions, performances, etc, and even though we are facing a nice, long Christmas break, this can cause anxiety for our students. At home there may be more socialising, later nights and perhaps more treat food. Traditionally, this is a tricky time for children to navigate through. Our children may need extra help to regulate their emotions during this time and perhaps cope with disappointments.
At Concord School our students are supported by utilising strategies outlined in the Berry Street Education Model, such as implementing predictable routines, regular check ins to see how students are feeling including interoception body scans, and mindfulness activities. This provides a common language and compassionate framework to support positive mental health and skill development. Families can use these strategies at home to support children in increasing their social and emotional literacy, as well as their skills of self-regulation.
Click below for more information on helping your child build resilience.
Self-regulation for school aged children
Beyond Blue: Building resilience in children
Support for the Holiday season
Christmas should be a time of joy and hope, but unexpected circumstances or a crisis on top of current cost-of-living pressures can make it even more stressful and challenging.
Concord School is supporting Preston Salvation Army by collecting items for families who may need support at this time. If you would like to donate, please see the list of items below and bring them to either campus office. We gratefully thank you for your support.
In addition, if you are experiencing difficulties at this time, we are able to organise a food pack to be sent home for the holidays via the Department of Education School Breakfast Program. Please reach out to your child’s Team Leader as soon as possible if you would like us to organise this for you.
Bronwyn Hart
Assistant Principal
Student Wellbeing & Engagement