Community News

Say hello to the new TasALERT App!
TasALERT is the home of your emergency warnings, providing you with a central source of easy-to-find information for before, during and after an emergency.
Now you can download the TasALERT App so you KNOW WHAT TO DO when an emergency strikes.
The App has two exciting new features:
- Watch zones are locations of interest to you. Subscribe to warning and incident notifications you want to receive. When a warning or incident happens in your watch zone, you will receive a notification straight to your phone. With up to 10 watch zones per account, this means you can keep an eye on what’s happening at the kids school.
- User accounts allow you to log in so the App remembers your watch zones and notification preferences. You can also create shared accounts meaning your everyone in the family all receive the same notifications for the same watch zones at the same time.
Download the TasALERT App today by searching TasALERT on the Google Play or Apple App stores, scan the QR Code or by visiting, so you know what to do when an emergency strikes.
European Christmas Fair
Celebrate the Christmas traditions of Europe at the Polish Club with dance music, craft and food stalls from Czech Republic, Poland, France, Ukraine, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania.
Come for the food, stay for the music, dancing and a special appearance by St Nicholas!
Entry to this family friendly and accessibility friendly event is by gold coin donation.
Disabled Surfers Association Tasmania
For more information, visit: