
"Salve!! Today on the 12th of November, the year 9 Italian classes visited the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) alongside Il Mercato Centrale. The NGV is the most visited gallery in Australia, which contains Italian art, design and culture. Here, we focused on the Italian Renaissance which is a French word meaning “rebirth”. We learnt all about the stories of different paintings and sculptures, allowing us to also interpret other art pieces in our own way. We learnt about The Banquet of Cleopatra, which was painted by an artist named Giovanni Tiepolo, and watched as this painting was brought to life by its deep and meaningful backstory. It was truly beautiful! We were also given the chance to learn a bit about how to sketch some key features of the paintings as well as using our classmates as models. Next, we took a trip to Il Mercato Centrale for lunch, which is a completely cashless European Marketplace, meaning that we had to use a card or have them place our cash in a voucher. We indulged in a variety of delectable drinks, Italian dishes, pastries and desserts. This was a wonderful end to our day. We made plenty of new and exciting memories and are thankful that we have had such an amazing opportunity to explore the Italian culture." Christabel Gomes DE3
"Salve! Today, two Year 9 Italian classes visited the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and Il Mercato Centrale. At the gallery we explored and focused on the great art of the Italian Renaissance. We were given the opportunity to see and interpret the great painting of The Banquet of Cleopatra, painted by Giovanni Tiepolo. This art brought the realism, understanding and depth of the struggles and situation at the times of Cleopatra and Mark Antony's ruling of Egypt to life, through such a beautiful painting with deep significance. Some of us discovered and extended our great skills of drawing! At Il Mercato Centrale we discovered and indulged in the exquisite Italian cuisine, with delicious authentic Italian pizze, pasta, gelati etc. We had a great day and are so thankful for this wonderful opportunity!!" Chloe Hookens AQ2