English News

School holidays are almost here and soon students will be asked to return their take home books and library books for our yearly stocktake.
We recommend using the local libraries to continue reading books and encourage students to select from a wide variety of options.
Here are some few literacy apps that are free to download that could also support your child's learning over the break:
Sound Beginnings app (P-2): Simple games for identifying the initial, medial and final sounds in words. Indirectly targets vocabulary (choosing correct word – and then identifying its initial sound – to describe the picture)
One Minute Reader app (Year 1 +): Structured reading program aimed at improving reading fluency and comprehension. Also targets vocabulary development. Includes non-fiction stories that are modelled by a fluent reader in the program that the student can read along with.
Sentence Builder app (P-2): Focuses on correct sentence structure along with skills in pronunciation, grammar and punctuation. Able to customise pictures, words and sentences.
Let's Name Things Fun Deck app (P-6): Flash cards that prompt “Let’s name things that… (e.g., things that are noisy). Encourages students to practice naming (vocabulary) and categorisation.