Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Facilities News:
Meeting Room 1
There has been a full renovation of this room from the roof to the floor. Sound-proofing insulation has been put in the roof cavity and a new ceiling installed. The air conditioner has been removed and vented air-conditioning has been installed. We are waiting for new sound proof doors to be installed next week and the final coat of paint.
This will provide a confidential space for professionals who are providing counselling to students to guarantee them security that they cannot be overheard. This is a great asset to the school.
Schools Upgrade Fund No 2: - Architects are working through the logistics and costing of the infrastructure e.g. draining that has to be installed. There has been a services scan of all the playground areas so that when a plan is developed all possible contingencies should be known in advance.
Bus Loop Project
Parents may have noticed that part of the bus loop has been cautioned off for a number of months. The start up meeting was held during the week. There are a number of cracked or broken storm water pipes in the bus loop that need to be excavated and then replaced. This will happen during the school holidays. The work may not be completed until the end of February.