Zone Sports - Rugby:

As usual, our children did themselves proud at our Annual Zone WQinter Sports Day. I got around as many teams and grounds as I could, but with the Hockey in Albany, I did not have time to get there.
We were very proud of our children's sportsmanship, behaviour, energy, commitment to playing their best and respect for the game and the officials. This is one good way we can measure whether the values we work so hard on are really ingrained in our children or not. I believe the evidence shows they certainly are.
Thanks to all our staff and parents who worked hard to prepare children, transport children and supervise them - a great team effort.
Our Junior Boys Rugby team are Zone Champions - for about the seventh time. In fact, their only misses have been when there were no competitions due to Covid-19.
Our Juniors won every game - many of them to nil, and some of them by more of a cricket score than a rugby score. Outstanding performances thanks to outstanding coaching from Mr Taura who has worked at lunchtimes with our boys all year.
Our senior boys gave their best and came away with some good results but did not make the final.