Daffodil Day:

Cancer is a scourge on humanity. Most of us know someone who has been impacted by cancer, and it seems to be hitting more people and is becoming harder-hitting as time goes by.
I lost a friend of 30 years this year. He was 52 when he passed. He wasn't feeling 100%, so he went to the Doctor and was told he had stage four cancer and had a month to live at best. That is exactly how it eventuated. It was similar for Mina Andrews, our beloved Caretaker of 32 years, and of a staff member's brother-in-law - also given a month to live after visiting a Doctor because of a sore back.
The message is if you are not feeling right, don't wait around, get to a Doctor and get it checked out. Do regular physical health checks and get your moles checked every year.
If in doubt, check it out!
The Cancer Society does an amazing job helping people living with cancer or impacted by it. My dad was a volunteer driver for the Cancer Society for many years, and he marvelled at how hopeful and positive so many people who were fighting cancer remained.
We got behind Daffodil Day in a big way, and we thank you all sincerely for your wonderful support. Our online appeal raised over $1,000, so thank you all so much.
Thanks to Shradha Marshall for coordinating our collection and to all who dressed in yellow and made it a day to remember.
Room 17's multi-media (paint, oil pastels and dye) Van Gogh-inspired Daffodil Day art!