Mr. Justin Matt, Mr. Brad Vallance, Mr. Josh Willersdorf

Dear Parents and Guardians,


I hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the rest of the school year. As we reflect on the recent achievements at Red Cliffs Secondary College, there is certainly a lot to celebrate!  We are thrilled to announce that our college was recently listed in the Herald Sun as one of the top schools in the state for getting students into viable apprenticeships. This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our staff and the hard work put in by our students, in particular Julia Lewis.  Well done!


In other news, our Year 10 students had an absolute blast on the Snow Camp!  We would like to extend a big thank you to Mr. Vallance, Ms. Marr, Ms. Nunn, Mr. McDermott, and Mr. Le Gassick for their support and commitment to making this trip memorable for our students.  It's moments like these that create lifelong memories and foster personal growth.


For those Year 10 students who didn't attend the Snow Camp, they had the opportunity to participate in our Work Experience program. This valuable experience allowed them to gain real-world skills and explore potential career paths.  We are thrilled to provide such diverse opportunities for our students.


Furthermore, we were delighted to see so many students participate in Book Week.  A special shout-out goes to Ms. Caruana and all our Year 11 students who showcased incredible creativity with their costumes.  We understand that there may have been some controversy around the judges' announcements, but let's remember that it was all in good spirits.


As we look ahead, our Year 9 students are nearing their transition into Year 10 for 2024. The recent course confirmation discussions have been fantastic, focusing on future pathways and programs that will support their growth. We are excited to see their progress and help them shape their educational journey.


To enhance our communication and align it with our school values, we have made changes to our latest interim reports. These changes incorporate our values of Resilience, Compassion, Success, and Citizenship, along with learning behaviours.  We have also introduced academic achievement to make the interim report more comprehensive. We appreciate your understanding as we aim to continually improve how we provide feedback to our school community.


Important Dates:

  • Parent Teacher Interview: Wednesday, 30th August. This is a vital opportunity to have a conversation with staff about how we can work together to provide the best opportunities for our students, parents / carers to make bookings on Compass.

Creative Tips for Ensuring Your Student's Success:

  1. Encourage regular communication with teachers to stay informed about your student's progress.
  2. Create a designated study space at home to promote focus and concentration.
  3. Support a healthy work-life balance by encouraging hobbies, physical activity, and downtime.


  • Please ensure your student has all necessary materials with them every day at school, including textbooks, notebooks, and writing utensils.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to working together to provide the best opportunities for our students.


Warm regards,


Justin Matt

Red Cliffs Secondary College

Executive Principal