Principal's Report
Dear Families,
I hope everyone is looking forward to our Walk-A-Thon tomorrow, lets hope we see some sunsh for it.
David has asked that I share with you all that he will be extending his leave into Term 4 and will return in Term 1, 2024. This term David has had a few medical challenges and has not been able to get the rest and recharge as he had been hoping for. Therefore, he has asked to extend his leave into next term, returning at the start of 2024.
As such, I have been asked to continue in my current role and have enthusiastically accepted. The team and I will continue to move forward with the plans in place for the rest of this year and start to plan for 2024 to ensure a smooth transition.
Celebration of the Arts
Thank you to everyone that came along and supported our students in this wonderful exhibition of the Arts and the celebration of the schools 70th year. We had many families and community members walk through our front door on the day. I know that I am proud of our students, and the work they displayed on the day. A special thanks goes out to Fiona Emery and her team of specialist teachers and to Emma Sharples for the work she did on the 70th birthday displays.
Book Week Parade
Once again, the Book Week parade was a success. We saw lots of different and well thought out costumes during the parade. The students had a fantastic time, thank you to all families that came along to support and watch the parade.
Sharing of images
A reminder to all parents and students, when taking photos of others please ask for their consent. You need to ask for permission to share photos on social media platforms.
For school, families sign forms at the start of each year to indicate what they do and do not approve of being distributed regarding their child/rens images. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us to discuss.
Contacting teachers
Open communication with our families is important to ensure that we are focusing on the needs of the students. We encourage you to contact our teachers by calling the school or messaging on Seesaw. Please remember that teachers are in class during the day and will respond when they can between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening. Please visit the website below to understand more about what it is and how to you can help your child/ren.
What is bullying? (
Have a great fortnight!
Tegan Aquilina
Acting Principal