Transition Information

Transition Day

The state-wide Transition Day for Victorian schools will be held on Tuesday 12th December. We will be holding our Transition Day at Karwan Primary School. The day will provide students with an opportunity to meet their peers, get to know some of their teachers and gain an understanding of what to expect at Brinbeal Secondary College. Detailed information will be provided next term.


Visits to our Primary Schools

Next term, Simon, Angela and Monique will be visiting our feeder schools; Davis Creek, Karwan and Tarneit Rise. During these visits students will have the chance to ask any questions they have about Brinbeal Secondary College. We are looking forward to meeting our first groups of Year 7 students. 


Question & Answer Form

For students not at one of our feeder schools you can complete the form below (click on the Forms image). We will provide answers to these questions via email or in later additions of our email.

Transition support for parents

The transition to secondary school is a significant time in a young person's life. Some will adapt the change without any concerns, others will find the transition more challenging. The Principal's Message this week provides information and tips for parents. There are also many external supports for students and their families. Below are some of these.