Parents Association


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Saturday was a HUGE success!! We sold approximately 700 sausage sandwiches! 


THANK YOU to all our incredible volunteers who helped us chop 25kg of onions, cook on the BBQ, serve the hungry crowd, and clean up afterwards. You were all so generous with your weekend and it is greatly appreciated. The day would not have been a success without all of you!


We raised a total profit of $2,334 after expenses.


Father’s & Special Friends Day Stall

Yesterday we held our Father’s and Special Friends Day stall. We welcomed each class to the hall where the tables were lined with thoughtfully sourced and beautifully wrapped gifts for the children to choose from. 


We also drew the highly anticipated raffle. Congratulations to our winners. We are not disclosing the family names as the children would like to keep it a surprise from their Dads. 


Thank you to our very generous donors:

The Golf Outlet in Oakleigh

Tarantino’s Pizza and the Fornaro family

The Unwin Family


Thank you to every family who supported the stall and for those that purchased raffle tickets. We are very grateful for your continued support.


Lastly, a big thank you to Alicia and Melea for organizing this year’s stall. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to bring this all together and for that we are truly grateful.



Footy Colours Day – Friday 15 September

We will be holding our annual “footy lunch” on Friday 15 September.  It will include a packet of plain chips at recess and a choice of pie or sausage roll for lunch.  Forms will be sent home today.  Payments can be made by cash or CDF Pay.  All orders and payments must be in by Friday 8 September.