Learning & Teaching

Learning & Teaching/Wellbeing/Faith & Farm

 Sacrament of Eucharist 

A big congratulations to our 2023 children for their successful, very reverent participation in their Sacrament of Eucharist on Saturday night. The children lived out what it means to be a member of the Church and being a part of Jesus’ ongoing mission in the world.



Back row: Manoj, Maweien, Michael, Jason, Jed

Middle row: Aaron, Yel, Marcus, Cruz, Xavier, Ines, Finn

Front row: Malika, Georgie, Millie, Freya, Eloise, Gigi, Madeleine




We also would like to thank Helen and the children from the St John’s Choir for bringing their beautiful voices to Mass and supporting the First Communion children on the night.



Asylum Seeker Resource Centre food drive

Springboarding from our Term 3 focus on ‘human dignity’ as well being inspired by the advocacy of Saint Mary MacKillop, St John’s are excited to participate in a food collection for Footscray’s very own Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in the coming weeks. Leaders from grade 6 will be visiting the ASRC on Monday to learn more and to feed back information to our school community.

Father’s Day Prayer Liturgy

On Friday 1st September, a Father’s Day Liturgy will be held at 9am to celebrate fathers and the special men in our lives. This Liturgy will be led by our school captains and the Two Hub. We invite all families to attend.

Jordan Fry

Faith/RE Leader



Australian Maths Competition

Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Australian Maths Competition on Thursday 3rd August. We had almost 60 children from our Three, Four and Five/Six Hubs participate in the voluntary competition. The competition has been held annually since 1978 and learners from more than 30 countries participate each year. There is an emphasis on problem solving, a valuable life skill and one we highly value at St. John’s. The AMC is run by the not-for-profit Australian Math Trust (AMT). The problems created for AMC papers are set to the highest possible standards by volunteer teams of the most experienced mathematics teachers and academics in the country. By participating, the children showed that they were brave and optimistic learners. We look forward to receiving our results and certificates later in the year.


Engaging with Place

Last week in Engaging with Place the children harvested some celery stalks to use as a dipping stick for the shop bought hummus. 


This week’s cooking session was used primarily to let the children taste and try the celery that we had planted earlier on in the year. For this reason we have a very simple recipe for you to try.


Celery Sticks with Hummus




Celery stalks  (carrots can be used as an alternative or a combination of the two)

Shop bought hummus / homemade hummus



  1. Cut celery stalks or carrots into sticks.
  2. Place celery or carrots sticks onto a serving platter.
  3. Spoon out hummus into a serving bowl.


Serve as an after school snack or when you are entertaining.