School Captains News

Teaching and Learning using Inquiry Process - Sustainability 


This term St Kevin’s Inquiry concept has been Sustainability, exploring the big question: How can we as a community make a sustainable difference in Australia and in the world? Sustainability refers to the practice of meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves responsible and mindful resource use, environmental conservation, and social equity. We are educating our students that our planet’s resources are finite and our actions should not deplete or harm these resources beyond their capacity to regenerate or recover. 


In Prep:

Astrid is sorting places between managed, constructed and natural places in the environment. Rocco, Jacob, Eliana and Flynn are playing a sustainability rubbish sorting game.  The images of posters Prep made to solve our rubbish problems with inventions for the future. 





In Year 1/2 , the students have been acting sustainable by reusing and recycling materials. The students have reused and created cars from recycled materials. 



From Year 3 to Year 6, they have been working in the St Kevin’s Garden. The students have de-weeded, turned over the soil, fertilized the soil and planted various flowers/ vegetables.  We are planting cabbage, beetroot and other vegetables.