Senior School News

Years 11 - 12

VCE Health and Human Development

As part of the Unit 2 coursework for Health and Human Development the Year 11 students examine the human lifespan with a particular focus on development during prenatal and early childhood stages. They also learn about the considerations and responsibilities of becoming a parent, the needs of a child and the availability of social and emotional support and resources in the local community.

We have been involved in several authentic learning experiences this Term to provide students with real life examples to support and enhance their learning. 

Kids First Kindergarten – students had the opportunity to interact with the kindergarten children and observe their Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social development.

Real Care baby experience – students were able to experience the infant simulator in class to understand what it feels like to be a new parent. During class the students had to respond to the babies cries with the appropriate care such as feed, nappy change, rock, burp or wrap.

Our Place Tour and information session – Students were given a tour of the Our Place facility and given information about the resources and support available to local families and children. 

A big thank you to Tiffany and the Kids First team for allowing the kindergarten visit to take place. Also thank you to Amanda and Deb for our informative tour of the Our Place facility. We are looking forward to working with you in the future and getting involved in some local community initiatives.

Abby Misiti - VCE HHD Teacher

Year 12 PE

As part of the curriculum and learning for the YR 12 PE they were required to participate in different forms of training methods over a period of three. The students were required to participate in varying sessions, reflect on the session and how it aligns to the content and principles of fitness. 

Over this time the class completed two training sessions provided by the Seymour Leisure Centre allowing the student to engage in different activities and for sum test their level of fitness. 

Daniel Thompson - PE Teacher


Vietnam Veterans Day

The Year 11VM students have been studying Australian migration and why people have come to this country and all the things that have happened since WW2 that affect us now. On 18th of August, we were invited to be part of the ceremony to celebrate 50 years since Australia's withdrawal from Vietnam and 10 years since they built the Vietnam memorial in Seymour. 

We were honoured to be a part of it. We listened to many speeches, but Year 11 student Maddi Carmichael articulated how we all felt upon reflection. ‘All of the speakers showed so much compassion’. We went for a walk after the ceremony through the walk and it was confronting to see the long list of names of everyone who went to the war. After the ceremony we shared a morning tea, and the Lions Club ladies were kind enough to share some homemade treats with us – of course the highlight for teenagers.

Werribee Zoo

Year 11 and 12 VM students went to the Werribee Zoo to practice employability skills through a variety of zoo activities and apply new skills and knowledge to simulated workplace scenarios involving animal training, welfare, and behaviour. The students learnt a lot about how the zoo runs and different career paths they had never heard of or considered. To top off the day we went on the zoo safari to see the animals!                                                                    Lisa and Leanne - Yrs 11 & 12 VM Teachers 


VCE, Unit 3 and 4 practice exams: 25th, 26th and 27th September (second week of the school holidays), in the Community Arts Centre.


See following issues of our newsletter for information on other science subjects.

TAFE and university open days 2023

Attending open days is an important step towards making decisions about your future education and training. Open days allow you to find out about an institution’s courses and programs, explore campus facilities and speak with current students about their experience.

This year institutions are offering a mix of virtual and on-campus experiences. 

Like to learn more?

These myfuture articles will help you make the most of open days:

How to make the most of open days and career expos

InstitutionDateEvent Type
Deakin University (Burwood)Sunday 27 AugustOn campus
RMIT (Bendigo)Sunday 27 AugustOn campus
Australian Catholic University (Ballarat)Sunday 27 August On campus
La Trobe University (Bendigo)Sunday 27 August On campus