Defence Mentor News

Vietnam Veterans Day

On Friday 18th August was Vietnam veterans’ day, commemorating and celebrating the service and sacrifice of the ADF throughout the Vietnam war. This important event was more significant because it was the tenth anniversary of the opening of the local Vietnam war veteran walk. 

Alongside veterans, serving soldiers and other schools Seymour college students paid their respects to the service of all veterans throughout the war. The defence captain Georgia Donnelly and army cadet representative Liam Reyne spoke about the important battle of Long Tan, the experiences of soldiers and their families and what it means to commemorate the supreme sacrifices made in the war.

Student Directory Book

The Idea for this directory is to assist new students moving to a new town (Seymour, Puckapunyal and surrounds), to make it easier to make new connections and get back into the activities they love and to make for an easier transition. I’m asking students to create this directory by emailing or coming to see me to let me know the things they love to do. I would need the name, address and contact details of the venues where the activities happen so these can be added to the directory. 

Some ideas are as follows…

Surrounding sporting places… netball, football, soccer, cricket, tennis, ten pin bowling…

Fun Activities…. Swimming, indoor/ outdoor, skateboard parks, bike tracks, movie theatre, laser tag…

Relaxing activities… library, walking tracks, hiking,

Social groups. kids’ clubs, scouts, cadets, brownies/ girl guides, painting, dancing….

You may have plenty more ideas for things that you enjoy or would like to know when you first move to a town. If it’s something we don’t have in our town or surrounds, add the closest venues, which could be Melbourne or Shepparton etc. 

Competition for best design of the cover of our directory will be a Maccas or KFC lunch. Cover must be original, fun, bright and appropriate. 

Kelly Quigg  

Defence School Mentor.


Coffee Connections 

ADF members and their families of Puckapunyal are invited to join the Defence Member and Family Support

 (DMFS) Team at Aramintas’s Tea Room, Seymour for a coffee catch up. 

When: Thursday, 31st August 2023, 1000 - 1130am. 

Your first coffee/tea will be on us! Served with delicious homemade scones. 

Register your interest by booking a ticket through Eventbrite today. 

Support to Defence Families with Special Needs



Purple Poppy Project 2023