Head Start

The Head Start Program supports students completing a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT). This occurs while the student is at school and then during the transition from school into the workforce. Students who are undertaking a School Based Apprenticeships or Traineeship must manage their time between: completing school (usually VCE VM); Completing a VET Certificate; and often outside commitments such as sport and part-time work.
The winner of this award will receive a trophy, a $50 gift card aligned to their chosen employment and their name on the Head Start SBAT of the Year honour board on display in the school's front office.
The winner of the Head Start SBAT of the Year for Elisabeth Murdoch College is Isabelle Bryne.
Isabelle is a trainee Dental Technician at Baxter Dental. Isabelle has completed the Vocational Major Program at Elisabeth Murdoch College alongside her TAFE studies and work commitments. Isabelle first presented to Head Start as a student who was very confident in her chosen career pathway. She has maintained her commitment to her profession since and is a dedicated member of the Baxter Dental team.
Isabelle’s employer described her as “perfect” and believes “she is a credit to the Head Start program!”
Isabelle is a very worthy recipient of the Head Start SBAT Student of the Year award.