Principal Message

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
2024 has been an outstanding year for the College and we have seen our students achieve outstanding results across all areas of the College. We recently celebrated the VCE results with a median study score of 31 and 10.8% of study scores over 40, this is an outstanding result and places us in a unique group of schools within the Bayside Peninsula area. This coupled with the success across our extra curricula program, our students have been able to shine across all facets of school life.
Our staff are incredibly proud of this years results across VCE and NAPLAN, demonstrating their commitment dedication and expertise. We are all looking forward to improving on these results in 2025.
As we look ahead to Term 1 in 2025, we are excited for the opportunities that are presenting themselves, at the top of the list is the EMC communities support and and participation in the EMC iCAN Challenge, as we continue the tradition and raise such vital money for the Royal Children's' Hospital. We are hoping to improve on the 2023 figure of $225,000.
Our work around School Wide Positive Behaviours will continue in 2025 and see teachers and students embed the whole school routines along with the introduction of an acknowledgement system, that sees the recognition of the learning behaviours that support student learning and success at school. This will be an exciting time as we shift our focus to personal excellence for each student.
On behalf of the school community I wanted to wish everyone a safe and merry Christmas.
Kind regards,
Mr Dean King