From the Principal

Hello everyone, I hope your week has been wonderful. 


Another action packed week at MSC. Our Year 7 students are settling in well and having a great time learning about the school and each other. Students are actively engaged in their learning and everyone had a lovely day at the annual swimming carnival.


I am currently working on ensuring all policies are up to date and available for your information on our website.


As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust report, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in our community, there is a new regulatory landscape surrounding child safety, underpinned by the Child Safe Standards.


The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.  Child Safe Standard 4 highlights the importance of an open and transparent child safe culture for families and communities.


Schools must provide families and communities with accessible information about their child safe policies and practices and involve them in their approach to child safety and wellbeing.  Below I have included a fact sheet for your information, produced by the Victorian Education Department, specifically related to Child Safe Standard 4.




Linda Stanton






Important Dates

Term 1 2025



Feb - Monday 10th School Photos

Feb  - Monday 17th to Wednesday Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp - Wilsons Prom

Feb - Thursday 20th Catch up Photo Day

Feb - Thursday 20th Year 7 Parent Meet and Greet

Feb - Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th Year 12 Retreat - Golden Valley Flinders



Mar -Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th Year 8 Camp 1 - Phillip Island

Mar - Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th Year 8 Camp 2 - Phillip Island

Mar - Thursday 6th Year 7 Disco

Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday

Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival

Mar - Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th Naplan

Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp

Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night

Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways

Mar - Monday 31st Year 7 Grandparents Morning Tea



Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish



Term 2 2025



Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences 

Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am 

Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday

Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th  Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways


Middle School

A Great Start to Middle School


The year has begun on a fantastic note for our Middle School students in Years 7, 8, and 9. A highlight of the term so far was our whole school assembly, where we warmly welcomed our new Year 7 students alongside the Class of 2025, our future Year 12 graduates. The moment was made even more special as the Pipers and our Drum Corps led their entrance, creating a memorable and inspiring atmosphere.


Several Year 7 students have shared their impressions of the event, reflecting on their first experiences at Mornington Secondary College. A special mention goes to Year 9 student Ella Pleiter Singleton, who delivered a heartfelt speech to the entire college, giving a warm and encouraging welcome to our newest students.


Our Year 8 students have settled in well, feeling confident and engaged as they dive into their curriculum. Meanwhile, Year 9 students are embracing an exciting change—moving into the newly named Year 9 Centre. This dedicated learning space has been well received, with students enjoying the fresh environment and new opportunities it provides.

Despite the heatwave, our students have demonstrated great awareness of sun safety, ensuring they stay sun-smart while making the most of the school day.


Upcoming Event


Year 7 Meet and Greet – 20 February

Thank you to the parents who have already reached out about our Year 7 Meet and Greet evening on Tuesday, 20 February. This event is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and learn more about their start to secondary school. We will begin in the Performing Arts Centre at 4:30pm, and we look forward to seeing you there!


Have a great week




Denise Leggett

Assistant Principal



Year 7's Perspective on their First Whole School Assembly


This Monday, the third of February, our Year 7 group got to experience our first MSC whole school assembly. We started by lining up on the outside basketball courts ready to march into our first ever high school assembly. Next to us were the MSC Year 12 students who also got to march in because this was their last year of high school.


Being in 7A meant we were the first ones to march in. It was really cool as there were bagpipes playing, along with the Drum Corp and we got to walk through the flags and then sit at the front of the assembly.


Mrs Stanton and Mr Parker spoke. One of the Year 12 students, Lorelai, sang the national anthem. She was awesome, probably one of the best voices I’ve ever heard. It is hard to remember everything that was said in assembly but we remember three main things. 

  1. When anyone talking says class of 2025 the Year 12s all scream, cheer and go crazy. We think they might be happy that they made it to year 12!
  2. Mr Walker talked about all the sporting events and squads that MSC has. We can't wait for swimming sports this week. Also Claire is starting swimming squad and Chelsea and Madi are starting aerobics at the end of today.
  3. We have four different houses at MSC. There is a Cup awarded to the winning house and it’s not only for sport events but for green posts and attendance as well. We are all in different houses so hopefully one of our houses will be the champions.

The assembly was pretty cool and there was lots to look at and take in. We are really looking forward to our experiences at MSC and we also get to leave the stadium first at the end of the assembly, as we are at the front.





Claire, Chelsea & Madi 7A




Year 7 Transition Program 2025


We are delighted to inform you that our Year 7 students have made an excellent start to their high school experience. They have settled into their new environment with enthusiasm, embracing the opportunities that come with this exciting transition. 


Through a variety of engaging transition activities, they have begun to forge strong relationships with both their peers and teachers, while also developing a sense of teamwork, resilience, and a positive “I can do it” attitude. 


A key focus of the program has also been on digital literacy and online safety, ensuring that students are equipped to use their school laptops safely & responsibly.


Throughout the transition period, students have actively participated in a number of stimulating lessons and activities, such as STEM projects, digital literacy workshops, The MSC Amazing Race, House dodgeball competitions, Tabloid Sports Homegroup Challenge, and our House Swimming Trials.


To further support their transition, we have invited a guest speaker to present on cyber safety, helping students navigate the digital world securely. Additionally, next week, we are offering some exciting Music and Drum Corps taster sessions to wrap up our transition program.


We look forward to continuing to support your child’s growth and development throughout the year. 


Thank you

Year 7 Team





Ms Romage

Year 7 Team Leader







Mrs Mackenzie

Year 7 Coordinator


Senior School


To students and families of the Mornington Senior School


Well, it’s been a sweltering week, but it is February after all. It certainly makes me glad we get to teach and learn in airconditioned comfort. Certainly not what it was like when I was at school! I hope you have all managed to sleep ok and have found ways to beat the heat this week. It was certainly a good week for us to have our swimming carnival!


The big jump into VCE – what to expect and how to minimise the impact…


Over many years of leading Senior cohorts across different schools, the jump from 10 to 11 has constantly been the largest and most difficult. Not only is there a jump in the quantity and pace of the work needing to be completed but there is the need for 2-3 hours of preparation, homework and revision for each subject each week. It can be difficult for students to just ‘flick the switch’ and ‘become’ high-functioning VCE students. While the jump from 11 into 12 comes with more pressure about the outcome of the subjects, it is really just like Year 11 with some seemingly greater consequences. 


So, what can students do to make the transition from 10 into 11 easier. Firstly, be realistic. It is going to be harder, there is every chance the students haven’t worked at this pace and intensity before across all their subjects at the same time. Secondly, be prepared to try different strategies for 4-5 weeks at a time (if not longer) to find out what works for you. Create flash cards, use mind maps, pre-read chapters, write out practice essays, see teachers outside of class time for assistance. Then there is the old adage of fake it until you make it. Observe the highest performing students in your class and copy the behaviours they exhibit. Most of them will be focused in class, their homework will be done, they’ll get on task and start working very quickly, they’ll listen attentively and ask questions when they aren’t sure. Set goals and make them visible to your family. Be accountable to those goals and reflective if you do or do not meet them. What did you do that did or didn’t do that helped you to meet or not meet those goals?  Copying enough good habits of high performing students until you become one. Many different study strategies will be taught during Year 11 Connect classes and again in Year 12 but each student is different.  


I’ll try and write about one study tip every couple of weeks during the first half of the year that students can try in their study to see what works for them. The important thing is to try something to improve your marks. If your marks are already as high as they can possibly be, then fantastic, keep it going!


The final and most effective tip to lessen the jump from 10 to 11 is obvious. Spend year 10 honing good habits and testing them out in performance tasks and semester exams. Much easier to start Year 11 with existing strong study habits than to try and develop them in Year 11. 


What is coming up this term in the Senior School? 


Wed 26th - Fri 28th Feb – Year 12 Study Camp

Mon 10th Mar – Labour Day Public Holiday – no classes.

Tues 11th Mar – MSC Athletics Day

Thurs 3rd Apr – Parent Teacher interviews – no classes


Kind regards,




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal

A Message from our College Captains to the Whole School


Good morning everyone, and welcome to the first assembly of the year! To our Year 7 students, a warm welcome to high school! You’re beginning an exciting chapter full of opportunities, challenges, and personal growth. High school is not just a time to study hard and aim for academic success, it’s also about discovering what you love, meeting new people, and learning to push yourself in ways you never have before. It’s a chance to take risks, step outside your comfort zone, and really put in your best effort. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and discover what your truly passionate about 


For the Class of 2025, this is it – your final year. It might feel like the end is near, but I encourage you to remember that this year holds much more than just your studies. Whether you're finishing up schoolwork or diving into your VET course, there are countless opportunities for growth and achievement. Now is the time to make the most of every experience, to contribute to your school community, and to lay the groundwork for your future. Whether that be supporting younger students or embracing the school events such as the upcoming swimming carnival, your involvement will leave a lasting impact. These final months are about showing what you're capable of, both in and out of the classroom. Use this year to prepare for the next chapter of your life, wherever it may take you. 


To everyone in between, this year is a fresh start. You have the chance to redefine yourself, to set new goals, and to challenge what you think is possible. Opportunities are all around you – whether that’s joining one of the school sports team, trying out for the production, taking on a leadership role, or simply being part of a community that supports each other. High school is about more than just academics. It’s about building character, making lifelong friends, and finding your place in the world. So, I encourage you to get involved – don't wait for opportunities to come to you, seek them out and put in the effort to make them your own. 


Remember that getting involved in the life of the school benefits you as much as it benefits others. By contributing to the school’s spirit, you’ll find that the school becomes a place where you feel truly connected, supported, and proud. Whether it’s helping out in a community service project or attending school events, every small effort counts. Putting in your best effort today shapes your tomorrow. So, as we embark on this new school year, I challenge each of you to take every opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute – because the effort you put in now will pay off in ways you can’t even imagine yet. Let's make this year unforgettable! 


Carter Nicholson & Ethan Barker

School Captains




Student Leadership


This week we will be opening nominations for a wide range of leadership positions within the school.  I strongly encourage all students to consider joining our student leadership team. Students who are interested should talk to their connect teacher and keep their eyes on their emails for further information.




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal




Year Level Leaders Introduction for 2025


Year 10


I would like to extend a warm welcome to the parents and guardians of students in Year 10 and the Mornington Secondary College Senior School.


The year ahead will no doubt be filled with challenges, but we are here to support your child in their learning and their decisions pertaining to their future pathways in VCE.

Myself, the Year 10 Coordinator, Mr Alex Malligan, and our Student Captain, Seung Lykokapis, look forward to working with all the students in Year 10.


If any parents/guardians wish to touch base regarding any concerns or worries, please contact myself or Mr Malligan.





Mr Jake Uhlenberg

Year 10 Team Leader







Mr Alex Malligan 

Year 10 Coordinator




Welcome to Year 11


Congratulations on reaching this exciting stage of your education! Year 11 is a big step forward, marking the start of your VCE journey. This year, you'll dive deeper into your subjects, develop important study habits, and start building towards your future goals.


There will be challenges along the way, but with dedication, balance, and support from your teachers, friends, and family, you'll make the most of this experience. Stay organized, stay motivated, and remember to enjoy the journey!


Congratulations also to the 2025 Year 11 Student Leaders on their appointments. 

Isaiiah Feiloakitau and Jack Pryor (Captains) and Noah Almond (Vice Captain). 


Wishing you all the best for a successful and rewarding Year 11!





Dr Keough                                           

Year 11 Team Leader







Mr Williams

Year 11 Coordinator




Welcome to Year 12, the Class of 2025, and families!


The Year 12 cohort has had a wonderful start to their final year of secondary education. They have dived in to all their classes with enthusiasm for the year ahead and with a drive to achieve the most successful outcomes in their studies.


We have lots of exciting things planned for the year ahead to help make their final year memorable, including our Year 12 Retreat on the 26th - 28th of February.  We look forward to seeing everyone at the Retreat. Payment is due by Sunday 9th February.


At the end of last year, the Year 12 Captains were selected.  I would like to congratulate Dean Resuggan and Emily Smith (Year 12 Captains) and Amelia Vecchi  and Abbey Moresco (Year 12 Vice Captains).  Our Captains will be working closely with the Year 12 team (Jo Reeman and Jo Dixon) to plan our dress up days, Formal and be a voice for the Year 12 cohort.


Year 12 can also be a stressful year for your child.  Please reach out to the team if you have any concerns or worries and we look forward to the year ahead.





Jo Reeman

Year 12 Team Leader







Jo Dixon

Year 12 Coordinator



Stile Booklet - Year 7 2025

To limit the cost of textbooks to parents the school has decided to use Stile X booklets for Year 7 Science. The booklets are purchased in a bundle for $20 as opposed to approximately $80 for a traditional textbook. Each topic has a booklet which is a hybrid of a textbook and notebook. Stile bundles will be available for your child once parent contributions have been paid. 


To pay for this please log onto compass payment centre and pay the contribution.

Once paid, the student will be given their booklet via Student Services.

School Photos 2025

Our annual school photos will be taken by Arthur Reed Photos on:


Monday, 10th February 2025


Arthur Reed Photos uses an electronic system where all ordering is done online after photo day and includes being able to view your child’s images.


There will be no need to order or return any forms to the College prior to photography.


To view/purchase your images online, you will need to register your details using a unique ordering code which will be distributed via homeroom prior to photography. Please note, that if you have multiple students at the College, each one will have their own unique code.





Sibling photos will also be taken on Monday, 10th February 2025.


Bookings are required for a sibling photo and can be made via the below link.


*please note that sibling photo bookings will close at 12pm on Sunday 9th February


When all images/photography are complete and in the “Webshop”, those parents who have registered online, will be notified via SMS and email that their images are ready to view and order.


All orders through Arthur Reed Photos are mailed home directly to families.


Arthur Reed Photos has a Customer Service Team in place who will be able to assist you with any queries. Customer service can be contact via email or phone. / 5243 4390 (option 1)

House Swimming Carnival

All students and staff who attending the House Swimming Carnival on Thursday 6th February had a great day!  The weather was perfect for swimming and encouraged so many students to get involved. 


A more detailed report will feature in next weeks newsletter and more photos will be shared on our Facebook and Instagram.


Edrolo and School Savings Bonus

The School Savings Bonus vouchers from the Victorian Government can be applied to your Edrolo purchases. For instructions on how to do this, please read the below PDF.

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