First Aid
Leticia Kreso - First Aid Officer
First Aid
Leticia Kreso - First Aid Officer
Updating student medical details
Reminder to ensure the College always has the most up-to-date medical details. This means the renewal of:
These ASCIA Plans need to be completed by a GP and returned to the College in the first week of Term 1 for students to be allowed to participate in offsite activities such as camps, excursions, and VET.
Medication at school
If medication is required to be taken at school or taken in association with any of your child’s ASCIA treatment plans an Administration of Medication Authority Form is required to be completed and returned to the College in the first week of Term 1. This can be returned either in person or via email to
A friendly reminder that we are an Allergy Aware College
We have a number of students that have life threatening food allergies to NUTS or food containing NUTS.
Please consider this when organising school lunches.
Students who require an EpiPen need to bring their EpiPen to the College each day.
Road Safety Reminder
Just a reminder to Students/Guardians that if you are riding or scooting to school you are required by Victorian Law to be wearing a helmet.
Get Active Victoria – Kids Voucher Program
The Get Active vouchers program is back and now open!
KIDs voucher program | Get Active Victoria
Children and young people aged 0-18 and named on a Health Care Card are eligible for up to $200 vouchers for sport registration and membership fees and any included uniform and equipment.
Upcoming Vaccinations 2025
Term 2 - Year 10 students - Meningococcal ACWY
The Secondary School Immunisation Program will be onsite offering the free Meningococcal ACWY vaccine provided by the National Immunisation Program.
What happens next?
The Whittlesea Council immunisation service delivers the school-based immunisation program. They will provide immunisation consent forms and information to Peter Lalor Secondary College for your child to bring home. Parents/guardians are then required to complete and return the immunisation consent forms to the school.
Missed School Vaccinations 2024
The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines provided by the National Immunisation Program each year to students in Year 10 (Meningococcal ACWY).
If your child missed out on receiving their vaccinations at school this year, it's not too late to get vaccinated. Free vaccines can be accessed at your local council immunisation service, GP or pharmacist immuniser.
To see if your child is due for any vaccines, check your child’s immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register using your MyGov account. Children aged 14 years of age and over can access their own immunisation history statement via MyGov.
For further information