Teaching and Learning Report
David Husk - Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning Report
David Husk - Assistant Principal
School Review – Part 2
In our previous newsletter (September 2024), I outlined the process for our whole school review. The review process has now closed and outlined below are some of the general comments from our reviewer Peter Fotheringham.
Peter Lalor Secondary College Fieldwork Notes
General themes
Acknowledgment of the powerful and effective work that has been undertaken in the latter stages of the School Strategic Plan period (2022-2024).
An extensive range of targeted strategies and actions, processes and structures that have been put in place, in a relatively short time frame.
These have resulted in a positive climate with strong levels of relational trust among students, staff, parents – generally happy students, staff, & parents. Characterised through observations, data, and fieldwork comments such as:
A general/broad sense of direction for the college is evident:
Teaching and learning
Development of the instructional model:
Professional learning
Acknowledgement of the positive and supportive leadership approach and actions
All of the above (and following commentary) attributed to college leadership – universal agreement by students, parents, and staff
In addition to being strategic, leadership was characterised by visibility, approachability, and personability.
Clear evidence of the two FISO leadership dimensions:
FISO dimensions:
FISO dimensions evident – through leadership visibility and approachability
Student voice, agency and leadership – evident, and it tends to occur outside of the classroom (e.g., ‘greenshoots’, RUOK day, PDS fundraising day…) , or as choice within the classroom (e.g., you choose from three things).
Improved attendance – still a challenge for some
Tiered interventions including
Support and resources – student wellbeing
Home groups, Year 12 camp, … , mentoring/ ‘authentic’ buddying – create more authentic opportunities to establish peer relationships (orientation days, sports and clubs, Year 12 camp, whole school activities, …)
Facilities – new purpose built buildings have promoted strong climate and environment
PRSE highlight re new buildings – ‘This has helped the school develop a positive climate for learning and students taking pride in their learning environment.’
High levels of activity and engagement:
Where to next?
Our next steps are to develop our new strategic plan (SSP) for 2025-2028. A snapshot of the overarching goals are as follows:
Goal 1. Improve learning outcomes for all students
Rationale | Peter Lalor Secondary College PLSC) is a registered Senior Secondary provider. It provides the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) program to Year 10 to 12 students. The student learning goal was designed to incorporate high standards of learning for each student, regardless of the individual’s starting point, within the VCE VM program. Targets 1.1 and 1.2 are suggested as a measure of success for PLSC students – completion of the VM senior secondary qualification and achieving successful post-school outcomes and destinations. Target 1.3 is proposed as a measure of successful student preparation for post-school life. The panel also recommended strategies designed to achieve the goal and targets through building on the momentum already established – through strengthening implementation of the college instructional model, applied learning, and capability in assessing student learning. |
Targets | |
1.1 | Increase the percentage of Year 10 to 12 students exiting to further education/training and/or work from xx% in 2024 to xx% by 2028 (benchmark and target percentages to be established based on 2024 data). |
1.2 | Increase the percentage of eligible Year 12 students who complete VCE VM from 82% in 2023 to 90% by 2028. |
1.3 | Increase the percentage of Year 10 to 12 students responding positively the Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) school stage transitions factor from 61% in 2024 to 70% by 2028. |
Key improvement strategies (KIS) | FISO 2.0 core element(s) | |
1.a | Strengthen implementation of the college instructional model. | Teaching and learning |
1.b | Strengthen the curriculum to embed the principles of applied learning. | Teaching and learning |
1.c | Enhance school capability to use assessment and evidence of learning to inform teacher practice. | Assessment |
Goal 2. Improve wellbeing outcomes for all students
Rationale | It was evident to the review panel that Peter Lalor Secondary College had implemented a range of strategically designed initiatives that had promoted strong positive relationships and high levels of student wellbeing. These have resulted in a positive climate with strong levels of relational trust among students, staff, parents – generally happy students, happy staff, happy parents The panel suggested that this focus be continued, incorporated into the new SSP in the form of a goal that highlighted student wellbeing. The goal’s intent is to ensure students are ‘thriving and flourishing’ in their school lives, and in general. Suggested targets 2.1 to 2.3 use factors contained in the student Attitudes to School Survey to measure goal attainment. The factors represent student characteristics and capabilities that represent elements of thriving and flourishing. Target 2.4 focuses on achieving high levels of attendance. The recommended key improvement strategies are intended to build on existing college strengths and support the attainment of the goal. |
Targets | |
2.1 | Increase the percentage of Year 10 to 12 students responding positively to the student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) learner characteristics and dispositions domain factors:
2.2 | Increase the percentage of Year 10 to 12 students responding positively to the student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) social engagement domain factors:
2.3 | Increase the percentage of Year 11 and 12 students responding positively to the student Attitudes to School Survey (AtoSS) teacher-student relations domain factors:
2.4 | Increase the Year 10 to 12 attendance rate from 80.5% in 2023 to 85% by 2028. |
Key improvement strategies (KIS) | FISO 2.0 core element(s) | |
2.a | Develop and implement a whole school tiered model to strengthen student attendance and wellbeing. | Support and resources |
2.b | Strengthen pathways through the school that promote positive outcomes for students. | Engagement |
These goals, and targets will be the focus of our work over the next 4 years. When our new SSP has been developed and endorsed by our SEIL, we will discuss these goals and targets in more detail.
The panel acknowledged the powerful and effective work that has been undertaken in the latter stages of the School Strategic Plan period (2022-2024), and an extensive range of targeted strategies and actions, processes and structures that have been put in place, in a relatively short time frame. These have resulted in a positive climate with strong levels of relational trust among students, staff, parents – generally happy students, staff, & parents. We will continue to build on the strong work of our leadership team, our middle leaders, our teaching and ES staff as we endeavour to ensure the school is well led.
I hope all families of the PLSC community have a restful and enjoyable break over the summer holiday period.