
LIT Centre News

This week is the final week children can borrow books to share and enjoy at home. There are lots of Christmas books they can borrow this week, so please encourage them to make the most of them. Please help your child locate all books at home and return them to school in preparation for 2025.


Christmas fun next week 

Next Friday, December 13th please wear your favourite christmas socks, hats, headbands, sparkles, tinsel and decorate your sports uniform to wear to school, let's make the yard festive and fun.

On Monday, December 16th (Carol's night) let's forget about our uniform and wear all red, green...anything Christmassy that you have to at home to really get in the mood to sing and enjoy our Carols and get ready for our celebrations with our families.

We understand that not everyone enjoys dressing up, so if you'd rather wear your school uniform that is fine too.