From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
Summer has certainly arrived with hot and humid conditions of the past week. Please ensure that your children have their water bottles and hats with them each day and that they apply sunscreen before they come to school. They are also able to have sunscreen in their bags to reapply if required.
Tabloid Sports
Last Friday we had a wonderful time at McDonald Reserve as we celebrated the renaming of our House colours with a Tabloid Sports Carnival. A huge thankyou to our staff for facilitating the games and activities, to the families who came along to support and even join in and to our fantastic students who participated and had so much fun. We also thank our Fire Carrier Leaders, Isabella and Austin, our Sports Leaders, Adrian and Christiano and our Fire Carrier Team, Juliet and Summer, Lucy and Hugo for all their work to help us plan and launch the House names which reflect our Catholic tradition and the language of our First Nations peoples.
2025 School Fees and Levies
We have an updated School Fee and Levy Policy for 2025. Whilst we aim to limit any increase, our rising costs necessitate this as we need to be able to meet our financial obligations. Last week a letter has been sent out to families on Audiri and it is attached for your information. If any family experiences any difficulties paying their fees, please contact the Office to arrange a time to meet with me.
Zooper Dooper Sale
Tomorrow the SRC are holding a fundraiser selling Zooper Doopers at Lunchtime. Students will be able to buy one for $1.00. The proceeds will go towards outdoor play equipment.
Reports an Report Feedback Session
Reports will be sent home this Friday 6th December and our Report Feedback
Sessions will be held on Tuesday 10th December from 3:30pm - 6:30pm.
This session is not compulsory for parents to meet with teachers, however it is an opportunity to discuss your child’s report for those who would like to. Specialist staff will also be available.
Bookings opened on Tuesday 3rd December at 9.00am
If you wish to attend, please book online at
Tuesday 10th December
3:30pm - 6:30pm
CODE: 4ea9v
Report Feedback for 3/4 M
Report feedback for 3/4 M is on Thursday 12th December, 3.40 pm - 6.30pm. Attendance is not compulsory.
The code is : q6w52
'Step Up' Session
Students will participate in a ‘Step Up' Session with their 2025 teacher and classmates on Friday 13th December from 11.30 - 12.30pm.
Carols Night
Our annual Carols night will be held on Monday 16th December from 5:00pm-6:15pm in the yard (weather permitting). The gates will open at 5:00pm and Carols begin at 5:30pm. Please feel free to bring along a blanket, snacks and drinks and add some touches of Christmas cheer by way of hats, tinsel etc. It is a lovely way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Staff Information
We will announce the staff for 2025 and their roles in a 'Mini Bernardo' on Monday 16th.
End of Year Mass
Our End of Year Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 17th December at 9:30am. We would love as many families as possible to join us in the Church as we celebrate and thank God, our Father, for another wonderful year. Families are welcome to sit with their children's class at this mass.
Students finish at 1:00pm on this last day of school. We will farewell our Year 6 students in a guard of honour, so please join us in the school yard to wish them well.
OSHC is available and bookings are essential.
Year 6 Graduation
Our Year 6s will celebrate their Graduation with a Mass and Presentation in the Church on Thursday 12th December beginning at 5:00pm. A dinner arranged by the Parent Graduation Committee will follow the Mass.
Year 6 Day Out
Monday 16th December is the Year 6 Day Out, a letter with information and a permission form will be sent home this week.
Junior Rockers Concert - Save the Date
There will be an end of year concert for the Junior Rockers students on this Thursday 5th December, 3:30pm - 5:00pm in the hall.
Term Dates
The school office will close on Tuesday 17th December at 1:00pm and reopen on Tuesday 28th January 2025.
'Getting to Know You' Session 2025
On Wednesday 29th January we will have our ‘Getting to Know You' Session for students from Years 1-6. This is an invaluable opportunity for families to meet with their child’s 2025 teacher and for staff to learn more about each child from the people who know them best. Information about bookings can be found in the envelope containing the reports. A sheet, ‘Ten Things about Me’ will also be included, for you to complete with your child. We ask that you bring this with you to your appointment. Attendance is compulsory for Years 1-6 and each student must attend with at least one parent, both are welcome of course.
Year 1-6 Session
This will be held on Wednesday 29th January 2025 from 9:00am - 3.30pm. Each session is 10 minutes. Bookings open on Wednesday 11th December. The booking code is: jbz7u.
If you wish to attend, please book online at
Foundation 2025
The Foundation sessions will be held on Wednesday 5th February 2025 from 9:00am - 3:30pm for 10 minutes. Bookings opened on Monday 2nd December.
The booking code is: d45qe
'Something to Think About'
The phrase “My children do not listen!” is something we have all heard or said more time that we can remember.
This article by Psychologist, Dr Justin Coulson provides an interesting perspective on the catchcry of every parent.
Joanne Doherty