2025 School Theme 

AIP Targets

2025 School Theme


When we implement inclusive practices, students feel welcomed, supported, valued and will also empower parent/carer voice and collaboration.



Jacana School for Autism fosters resilience and independence, enabling students to be engaged participants in community life.



The school continually implements highly customised teaching and learning programs to ensure all students access an inclusive curriculum using evidence informed practice in a safe and supportive environment. Students are supported by a committed professional multi-disciplinary team, focused on recognising and developing individual personal and educational potential.


Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)


The AIP operationalises our 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP).

Each year the plan outlines how our school will implement the goals and key improvement strategies (KIS) that will be our focus for improvement throughout the year.


The AIP includes:

  • SSP goals, targets and KIS selected for focus that year
  • 12-month targets that track progress against 4-year targets
  • actions that will be undertaken to implement the selected KIS
  • intended outcomes of the actions (changes in knowledge, skills and behaviours) as well as success indicators that will be used to measure the outcomes
  • the related activities that will be completed to achieve the outcomes, including resourcing, responsibility, and timelines for completion

We have specific targets that relate to the Learning and Wellbeing priority areas. 



Key Focus Areas for 2025:


2b: Develop a school-wide approach to data collection & analysis to evaluate student learning growth over time

  • Utilising formative assessments tools to effectively analyse student achievement growth
  • Networking with local ASD school to share formative assessment tools specific to levels A-D

2c: Build teacher capacity to implement autism specific strategies

  • Inclusion of Learning Specialists, Inclusion Outreach Coach & Wellbeing Team to model teaching & learning practices
  • Therapy expertise to model use of AAC
  • Expand use of Assistive Tech to support student engagement



Key Focus Areas for 2025:


3a) Promote and engage students in programs to develop their mental and physical health, social and emotional wellbeing by..

  • Monitor students’ unexplained absences, to proactively connect families to school-based and external support services
  • Conducting Wellbeing Survey twice a year to monitor appropriate levels of student intervention
  • Learning Specialists to model effective Tier 1 strategies and Restorative Practices.
  • and more..

3c) Embed positive mental health approaches across the school by..

  • Schoolwide implementation of the PSC curriculum as a specialist subject for all students
  • Design Restorative Practices visual prompts/scripts, to support the implementation of restorative practice conversations aligned with the JSA Restorative Practices Plan
  • Review the school’s debriefing process 
  • and more..