Facilities & Capital Works 

Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke 

Welcome to 2025


Yaluk: - the main entry door of Yaluk was broken from its hinges due to the "wind tunnel" effect. We have had it repaired but on windy days it is still vulnerable if the handle is not held when it is opening. 


Staff going to the Yaluk building from the carpark please use the doors on the western side of the building (Bamburgh St side). There will also be Hospitality classes in the foyer during the day most days so using the western door means that the classes are not disturbed.


Rooms 25-27 are requested to use the secondary toilets that are at the end of the old Art room. PE classes have been regularly disrupted by students walking past to the toilet.  Yaluk toilets should only be used by classes in the gym and hospitality kitchen.


Please remember to use the SharePoint resources booking to book the gym when it is not booked by PE staff. There has been damage to gym wall through non structured use of equipment and student not being supervised. 


Blinds: students have already pulled blinds off the window in the OT room 1. These blinds have been installed so that when we can afford the projectors to project images on the walls the sunlight will be blocked out. Please use your Tier 1 strategies to re-direct students away from the blind cords etc.


Cleaning: The windows were cleaned again over the weekend. Most of them look much better. Windows with sticky tape have not cleaned very well. Please do not use sticky tape on any windows, walls or other painted surfaces.




Over the last 2 months

  • Paths to Yaluk & Emu Pde gate completed
  • Asset stocktake completed
  • Yaluk gym lights repaired
  • Meeting Rm 1 acoustic upgrade was completed
  • Ramp to Rm 14 & 15 replaced
  • AC units in Rm 1 & 3 were replaced
  • Door handles were replaced around the school to make quick access to rooms easier.

Remember to enter any items on the Maintenance log. DO NOT tell Jacob or I in passing as we will forget. As mentioned on the Curriculum Day enter issues as they occur then I can organise for them to be repaired as soon as possible.


There are more works being planned with the School Infrastructure Sub Committee. If you have an item, please submit it on the School Infrastructure Request form for consideration at a subsequent meeting.