Grade 2 Community News

Dear families,


This term we are so excited to welcome our new grade 2’s to Tarneit Rise Primary School. Students have commenced the year with positive attitudes and appear eager to start the school year. We couldn’t be more proud of our grade 2’s.  



                                                                      Meet the team



Grade 2’s have started the year with our Learning to Learn program. Within this program students will have the chance to get to know and interact with their peers and classmates to foster new friendships. Classroom rules, routines and expectations will be discussed and practised in the classrooms and our students will also have the opportunity to revise simple mathematics, reading and writing skills. 



A couple of friendly reminders for the school year ahead: 

•    Please encourage your child to read every night and record it in their reading journal as part of our take home reading program. We love to celebrate our reading milestones

•    In term 1 students are expected to wear their hats in the yard. Please make sure they come to school with a Tarneit Rise Primary School hat every day and that this hat is clearly labelled with your child’s name and grade

•    Please label all school uniform to ensure that any lost uniform can be returned to your child





We are looking forward to seeing our students grow both academically and socially this year.