Physical Education News

Dear Parents and Families
What wonderful start to 2025! We as a P.E team have been extremely impressed by the way students have come back and are ready to learn. Let’s continue this positive start! As always, please continue to send us photos of your superstars of the week so we can celebrate your amazing sporting achievements.
Meet the Team
Starting from the left: Mr Raffaele, Mr Sandry and Mr Tivendale. Absent Mr Dew
Prep and Grade 1
The Preps and Grade 1s have been working very hard on establishing routines after the summer break. The students have also used what they have learnt from the magic shoebox to successfully play running and tag games.
Grade 2
The Grade 2s have been playing a running and tag game called rob the nest where students must use their spatial awareness to retrieve objects from opposing teams. Students then must work on different strategies and ideas to be able to successfully complete the game.
Grade 3 and Grade 4
The grade 3s and 4s have started net and wall games this term, continuing the great progress they made last year. They have used their skateboard stances to successfully play bombs away. They have importantly devised strategies within their small teams to successfully find space within games. Both year levels have started playing downball and revisiting rules they explored last term.
Grade 5 and 6
The grade 5s and grade 6s have also continued on with net and wall games with the grade 5s transitioning into badminton and the grade 6s moving into tennis. The 5s have been focusing on their forehand and backhand serves as well as continuing on to conduct rallies. The grade 6s have been working on control of shots and using the space on the court to drag their opponents out of position.
Team of the week
Team of the Week is a way to showcase students who are showing the school values in PE across all areas. These students give their best efforts and support other students around them to be the best they can be.
Stay tuned to see who will be in our very first team of the week of 2025 in the next edition!