Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,


Welcome back to a new year of learning. We are excited to have Mr Stanley and Mr Kirby joining the Performing Art team this year. We also want to welcome back Mrs Andrew.

Starting from the left: Mr Stanley, Mrs Andrew, Ms Patton, Mr Max and Mr Kirby. 



In week 1 we welcomed the grade 2-6 students back into the Performing Arts rooms. Students revised the expectations in Performing Arts and what Performing Arts entails. 


In week 2 we welcomed the Grade Prep and 1 students to school and showing them around the Performing Arts space. The students in grade 2-6 started to explore dance as our Performing Arts area of study for the term.


The Grade 2 students explored improvised dance which is when you make up the dance as you listen to the music. Students practised dancing to music to convey emotions through the way they moved their body. They also practised dancing to a narrated dance story. Students picked movements that told the story while dancing.


In Grade 3 students used their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about dance. They practised dancing to guided dances which is a type of choreographed dance that people can follow the dance steps.


In week 2 the Grade 4 students used their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about dance. They learnt about the elements of dance: Body, Action, Space, Time and Energy. They used these elements of dance to explore improvised dance.


The Grade 5 students used their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about dance. They learnt about the elements of dance: Body, Action, Space, Time, Energy and Relationship. They used these elements of dance to explore improvised dance.


In week 2 the Grade 6 students used their prior knowledge to discuss what they already know about dance. They learnt about the elements of dance: Body, Action, Space, Time, Energy and Relationship. The students explored different activities to focus in on each of the elements of dance.



See you in the Performing Arts room


Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Mr Kirby, Mr Stanley and Mrs Andrew  


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