Student Excellence Program

Tarneit Rise Primary School offers a diverse Student Excellence Program tailored to support students' individual growth and interests. The programs focus on enhancing core academic skills through advanced coursework, creative problem-solving exercises, and collaborative projects, ensuring high ability students remain engaged and motivated. 


The term high ability is used to indicate high potential and/or performance across the full suite of human abilities. High ability refers to students whose ability is more advanced than that of similar aged peers across one or more domains. These domains include:

  • Intellectual ability: usually manifests in a broad range of academic focused subjects, speed of learning and complex thinking patterns.
  • Physical ability: often presents in physical education or dance.
  • Creative ability: is likely to find expression in the arts.
  • Advanced social ability: will cut across a variety of subject areas. Often finds expression in leadership.


Our passion for providing every student with rich and powerful learning opportunities is evident through the extensive student excellence programs we offer our students.



APSMO Maths Explorer: 

The APSMO Maths Explorer is a program tailored for students in Years 3, focusing on introducing and developing fundamental problem-solving skills in mathematics. Unlike competitive formats, Maths Explorer encourages collaboration among students, allowing them to work in small groups to explore and solve problems. This approach aims to build confidence, stimulate interest in mathematics, and lay a solid foundation for future participation in more advanced programs like the Maths Games. 



APSMO Maths Games: 

The APSMO Maths Games is a program designed for students in Year 4 to develop foundational problem-solving and mathematical skills in a supportive, non-competitive environment. It serves as an introduction to the types of questions found in the more challenging Maths Olympiad, focusing on enhancing students' critical thinking and analytical abilities through engaging problems.



APSMO Maths Olympiad: 

The APSMO Maths Olympiad is open to Year 5 and 6 students across Australia and New Zealand who demonstrate strong mathematical skills and a keen interest in problem-solving. It aims to foster a love for mathematics, develop problem-solving skills, and encourage students to challenge themselves through a series of timed tests. 



MAV Maths Games Day: 

The MAV Maths Games Day is an event organised by the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV), where teams of students from various schools participate in a day of fun, competitive mathematical challenges. The event aims to promote enthusiasm for mathematics, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in a collaborative setting. Students tackle a variety of mathematical puzzles, games, and activities designed to stimulate critical thinking and make learning maths enjoyable.



Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series: 

The Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series (VCES) is a program by the Victorian Government aimed at extending and challenging high ability students from Prep to Year 12 across various subjects. It provides enrichment activities, workshops, and events developed in partnership with educational organisations, universities, and industry experts. The series offers students the opportunity to explore advanced topics, engage in creative problem-solving, and connect with like-minded peers, all designed to stimulate deeper learning and foster academic growth beyond the standard curriculum. Schools identify and nominate students to participate based on their interests and abilities.



Victorian High Ability Program: 

The Victorian High Ability Program (VHAP) is an initiative by the Victorian Government to support high achieving students in Years 5 to 8 by providing them with advanced learning opportunities beyond the regular curriculum. This program offers online classes in mathematics and English, allowing students to deepen their knowledge, enhance critical thinking, and engage in more complex problem-solving. VHAP is designed to challenge students and foster their academic growth, helping them develop advanced skills and confidence. Participation is by invitation, based on academic performance, cognitive ability, teacher recommendations and engagement and motivation.



More information will come out on Compass in the coming weeks regarding the different programs mentioned above.