Grade 6 Community News

Year 6 Newsletter Term 1 Week 2


Hello and welcome back! We hope that you had an excellent summer break. We have had an excellent start to the year and the children have settled back into their routines. This year we have nine classes of Year 6. The Grade 6 teachers are looking forward to a new year of learning and growing with our students. Grade 6 students have been spending time getting to know their new teachers and new classmates for the 2025 school year. Through our learn to Learn program, students are revisiting our school’s expectations and familiarise themselves with Grade 6 protocols and facilitate our incredible learning experiences. The students have seamlessly adjusted to their new classroom, displaying readiness for a year brimming with exciting opportunities!




                                                                    Our Year 6 team





Students have been acquiring the skills to navigate our classroom libraries effectively and understanding the significance of choosing books that are ‘just right' for them. When making these selections, students consider the text’s level of difficulty, its interest to them, and whether it aligns with their reading abilities. Like any skill, improvement comes with practice. It is crucial that your child engages in nightly reading sessions, dedicating at least 20 minutes and recording this in their school journal provided by the school. 




Students discussed the importance of neat bookwork and also wrote realistic fiction. They also explored goal-setting and discussed expectations for conferring, brainstorming ways to help them if they encounter difficulties in writing.




In Mathematics, the students started with gathering and collecting categorical data and then displaying that data as graphs in their workbooks. They then analysed themselves as mathematicians and identified their strengths, how they learn best and what areas they would like to work on. 




All Grade 6 students will be participating in sport fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons, giving them the opportunity to represent the school as part of a team. This term, Cricket, Basketball, T-Ball, Tennis, and Volleyball teams will be selected to compete against other local schools.


Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed in their sporting uniform, including a school hat, so they can participate fully.




A few reminders: 

• It is important that students are at school and on time everyday, so they are not missing out on valuable learning time. 

• During Term 1 and Term 4, students must wear their hats when outside in the playground. Please make sure your child has a TRPS Bucket Hat, with their name clearly labelled. 

• Please also ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school each day, filled with fresh water.

• We encourage healthy food for all our students so please don’t send any chocolates, lollies, or drinks other than water in their lunchboxes. These are sometimes foods that should be enjoyed at home. 



Contacting Class Teachers: 

If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, they would be happy to discuss anything with you. This can be done in a number of ways: 

Contact the school office and leave a message. The office will get the teacher to call you back. Arrange a meeting before or after school, but please be mindful that teachers have meetings Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday after school. 

Email the Year 6 PLC address, and someone will forward the message on. 



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.