Education in Faith

Sacramental Celebration bookings for 2025
Our online booking system for the Parish Sacramental celebrations are now open. Families in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 should have recieved a form with all the information needed to complete a booking
Please book ONE Sacramental Celebration time that suits your family.
Tomorrow, families with students who are celebrating their Sacrament of Reconciliation will be recieving an information pack. This will include information about the celebration, their child's Mass passport and a stole, which families can decorate in preparation for the Sacrament.
Presentation Masses
In preparation for receiving a sacrament, families are asked to attend Mass. At this Mass your child will be acknowledged and the parishioners will be asked to pray for them as they take this next step in the faith journey.
Presentation Masses for our Reconciliation Sacramental candidates begin on Saturday 1st March. Your child is encouraged to attend at least two of the following Parish Masses.
Date | Location |
Saturdays: 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd March
Sundays: 2nd, 9th, 16th or 23rd March |
SMCM: Saturday at 5:00pm
St Peter's Church: Saturday at 6:30pm
St Peter's Church: Sunday at 9:00am or 10:30 am
Parish Masses
This week, Parish Mass will be celebrating the new leaders of our school, our Year 6 students. This will take place in our Sacred Space at 12pm. Families are welcome to join our Year 6 students.
Education in Faith Leader