Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!


Thank you to our 2025 Prep Parents who joined us on Tuesday night to continue their child's transition into Prep. It was an opportunity to hear from the homegroup teachers and learn more about the daily structure, ways of learning and curriculum. We are very proud of the way our Prep children have settled into school over the past four weeks.


2026 Prep Enrolments are Now Open

This week we began our 2026 Prep Tours with a large group of potential families. Congratulations to Scarlett and Kristiana from Year 6 Glowrey Homegroup, who joined me on the tours, and were able to confidently answer parent questions and explain the way we learn and work together at SMCM.


We ask that sibling enrolments forms are returned to Reception as soon as possible so we can determine how many additional places we have to offer new families. Prep places will be offered in May.


Enrolment forms are available from Reception and on our website.

Capital Works

Planning and preparations are well underway for our new $6.3 million dollar building due for completion at the end of 2026. This project is funded for $3.6 million by Government Grants and the remaining amount from school cash reserves and loans. This project includes six new learning spaces, teacher workspaces, communal spaces, toilets, covered walkways and a carpark expansion.

2025 Community Fair is just 4 weeks away! 

Thank you to the small, but dedicated group of mums who meet after hours each week to organise our Community Fair. 


The rides, stalls, food trucks, entertainment and raffle prizes are now locked in! All funds raised at our fair will go towards our capital works and new building.


Check out the Community section of today's newsletter for more information and keep an eye on our socials for regular updates.


Thank you for your support as we have settled into a new school year:

  • Thank you for reassuring your children that adjusting to change takes time. 
  • Thank you for communicating with new homegroup teachers as they get to know and build relationships with your child. 
  • Thank you for staying up to date with what is happening at school through our online platforms.
  • Thank you for supporting your children to follow school routines and expectations.
  • Thank you for prioritising student safety before and after school.

