Assistant Principal
Megan Franklyn
Assistant Principal
As always, the end of the year has snuck up on us! I wish you all a wonderful festive season and hope that you have happy and safe holidays. We hope that you have time to enjoy the break with lots of family time and remember that there are plenty of fun and free activities that we can do with the kids including going to the beach or park, building cubbies and forts, pulling out weeds in the garden, reading a book, or watching a movie or tv show together.
This year I am particularly grateful for the wonderful teachers and students that we have here at Kingswood, they really do make it a great place to be!
As we get closer in January to school returning, please remember to get back to normal bedtimes and wake up times, talk about all the things to look forward to in the new year and approach the year with a positive mindset. We look forward to seeing you in the new year ready for a great year of learning and building connections within our community.