What's On In 3/4

34A- Crazy Hair Day
Hayley: On Thursday the 21st we had a crazy hair day at school because we had to do a fundraiser for the year 6 skateboards that they were making. I saw lots and lots of cool hairstyles but there was one which was my favourite. They made their hair go all spiky and put glitter in it. It's my favourite hairstyle that I saw because it was very creative and not like anyone else's I had seen! I did cupcake hair which some other people did as well as me because it was pretty popular to do.
On the day everyone was very excited for people to see their hairstyles and look at others! This day was definitely fun for me!
Hugo: On the 21st of November our school had crazy hair day, it was weird seeing everyone with crazy hair but also really cool. At recess everybody’s hair was amazing. I saw someone with a rainbow wig then I saw someone with glitter in their hair. After recess everyone gave the office a gold coin donation.
Olivia: A couple of weeks ago we had crazy hair day where we decorate our hair in messy weird ways and we could colour it in different colours. Some people dyed their hair and some people decorated their hair. Weirdly, some people did cupcake buns and space buns and some had their hair sticking up on their head. Some people dyed their hair green, blue, red, purple, yellow and other colours.
Tom: On the 21 of November we had crazy hair day to raise money for the 6s skateboards and mini surfboards that they paint in art and try to get signatures on them from as many people possible. Most of us dyed and put glitter in their hair different colours and did weird stuff with our hair. I didn’t dye my hair but I still got rainbow braids that I put in my hair and got lots of rainbow flowers and hair clips in my hair.
34B- Making Christmas Post posters, visiting classrooms and assembly (JSC)
Alex: Making the Christmas Post posters was really fun. My favourite part was the drawing. We loved doing our drawings with shading. When we visited the 1/2 classroom to deliver the poster and talk about the Christmas Post, the 1/2 students really loved our poster. They were so excited about our drawings too!
Caitlin: It was really fun to draw and present the poster to the grade 1s. My favourite part was drawing and colouring in, and then seeing the students’ reactions to the drawings.
Niyad: It was wonderful that we were able to show and tell everyone about Christmas Post. Everyone listened to us very respectfully as we told them about the rules and how to do Christmas Post. It was fun!
Samuel: On Friday the Junior School Council representatives talked about Christmas Post at assembly. It was fun going up onto the stage for the third time and talking about something special that happens at Christmas time. It only goes for 10 days! I felt happy and excited about doing it.
Manisa: On Friday the Junior School Council representatives talked about Christmas Post at assembly. I enjoyed the experience of going up on the stage and presenting. The start was a bit nerve wracking but it got more and more exciting. It was nice to tell people what they need to know and helping them understand. I also did the Cup Song performance. I was more confident with the Christmas Post presentation because that was the third time I had presented at assembly and I knew nothing could go too badly.
34C- learning in the classroom (Mathletics award)
Ivy: In school for the past term we in 3/4c have been doing a new thing called: Earn and Learn. In Earn and Learn we have been learning real world skills for money management and being able to use it wisely. We all have different jobs in the classroom and we do them to the best of our abilities. We get paid (wages) every week and pay taxes too. We can buy special things for our learning and fun with this fake money. I have learnt about change and lots more on math and remainders using this money and I find this very helpful and useful for later in life.
Emily: Our 3/4C students worked so hard on Mathletics not even knowing they came 1st!
They were doing it for fun and didn’t even know about this competition!
Their (teacher Miss Ranson ) is super proud of her class. They celebrated one lucky and hard working student named Aaron, he got a shout out from the Mathletics video and came 3rd!
“Next time next year I will try hard” they spoke up.
Now they all now know about this and will try harder next year!
Owen: Our grade 3/4 class has been working so hard on Mathletics, we were one of the top 3 classes, in fact, we came first! In Mathletics, we’ve been learning about fractions, improper fractions, mixed numerals etc.
How did we come first in Mathletics, you may ask? Well, you can thank the hardest working person in the class for that. And I earned my first bronze certificate. And this helped me learn how to do improper fractions and mixed numerals.