Message from Secondary School

Hello from Secondary School!


Welcome to the new school year. We have loved having our students back on-site and getting into our teaching and learning routines. We've enjoyed connecting with students and families at the various events from our first week of school.


A special thank you to all who, with good grace and cheerfulness, persisted through a hot and humid week (teachers and students!).


Our students have been settling well, especially with some of the changes this year, such as our new Home Care times and the introduction of the mobile phone pouches. Most students have responded maturely to turning off their phones when they arrive at school and 'pouching' the phone for the school day. We want our students to be focused on their learning and avoid the temptations and distractions of mobile phones.


Now that our timetable has been finalised, we can update you on the days for specific uniforms:


Year 7-10

Monday and Friday - Sports uniform

Tuesday to Thursday - Normal uniform


Year 11-12

Monday - Sports uniform

Tuesday to Friday - Normal uniform 


The only variations permitted are for Year 9-10 PASS students who may wear sports uniforms on Wednesdays and for the Year 9-10 Agriculture class who may change into their sports shirts on their 'double-lesson' days at the direction of their teacher.

Students who have training during the day may bring sports shoes to use during the training.

Wearing our uniform well shows respect for ourselves and each other and reminds us that we are at school for the job of learning, regardless of our background. Thank you for ensuring your children come to school wearing the correct uniform. 


We're looking forward to a year of growth and opportunity, and we have a great team at the College to support our students' educational and wellbeing needs. 


Questions about specific subjects should be directed to the classroom teacher first, and then to our subject Learning Leaders:

Mr John Sewell: Science, Environment and Astronomy

Mr Trevor Gyles: Maths and PDHPE/Health and Movement Science

Mrs Linda Moore: HSIE, CAFS and Languages 

Mr Simon Harrison: TAS and Child Studies

Mrs Emily Cunningham: English

Ms Catherine Clarke: Art, and External Studies 

Mr Geoffrey Xeros: Music, CLS/CS


Our Wellbeing Team are there to support our students with wellbeing and behaviour issues. Please direct questions to the relevant Stage Coordinator first.


Stage Coordinators:

Mrs Emily Deighton for Years 7 and 8, supported by Mr Blake Cunningham.

Mr Steve Forbes-Taber for Years 9 and 10, supported by Mrs Carly Johnson. 

Mrs Sue Smedley for Years 11 and 12, supported by Mr Paul Kinning. 

David Crick: Wellbeing Leader


We look forward to seeing you at College events, especially the Secondary Swimming Carnival on Wednesday this week, and the Open Night on Monday 10th March.