Year 7 Reflections

A highlight of this term was going on camp with the Year 8's and engaging in all the other activities and just having fun. It's all about having a go and trying your best. It was really fun and I loved spending time with the older kids.



This term I have learned haiku poetry and limerick poetry in English. I learnt about mean, median, mode and range in Math. In Science I learnt about natural disasters, hazards and the solar system. 



A challenge this term was waking up on Monday cause it's fresh out of the weekend and my body still hasn't adapted to waking up early! 



Something I am looking forward to next term is being in the class with the new Year 7’s and living in the older girls boarding house. 



This term I have learned about performing in front of lots of people because in the first term I didn’t want to do the Yidaki (didjeridoo) in front of anyone, not even my mum and dad. It was my first time performing in front of  2,000 people at Parade College but now I can do Yidaki in front of anyone. 



The best thing about living in the Boarding House was being around my friends and family and having fun laughing with everyone. Also playing basketball or even just going on weekend activities like paintball was the best ever. Since then I have been watching videos of it. 



This term I have learned how whirlpools start and how to make a vortex, we did this with Melbourne Uni for Science. I also learned to be patient when making my Yadaki, and how to burn and lacquer. 



A highlight of this term was playing basketball on the weekend with the other boys. I also enjoyed Gumbuya World, it was fun. 



This term I am proud of working hard in Maths and getting good test results. 



This term I have learned to be more understanding of my peers, for example reading how they are feeling or when they don't want to talk. 



This term I am proud of my growth during the year and how I've gotten better at many subjects, and also achieving school captain and speaking in front of a big crowd at the MITS Gala Dinner. 



I am really proud of coming to MITS and achieving my goals by being away from home and family. I am proud of myself for making it through the year. 



Next year I am looking forward to moving to a different boarding house and making new friends.