Library News
Ms Tafra
Library News
Ms Tafra
I am so thrilled to be joining St Mary's in the library this year! I have a very personal connection to this space as it was my first school library when I went through St Mary's for my own primary years. This is a new role in my teaching career and while I have a lot to learn, I cannot wait to learn along with the children in the school and explore what this library can continue to bring to the school community.
We will begin this school term by celebrating Library Lovers Day (Feb 14) and talking about what we love in our lives, and how we can expand that love through reading.
Borrowing will occur during library lessons to give the students more focused time to engage with library borrowing. Students must have a library bag with them on borrowing days.
Please refer to the list below to see which day your child/ren will need to bring their library bags, and return any books that are due in order to borrow new books.
Children will not be allowed to borrow without a library bag from Week 3 onwards.
ES1 - Wednesday
S1 - Thursday
S2 - Wednesday
S3 - Thursday
The catalogue for Issue 1 of the Scholastic Book Club will be going home with students this week. Orders must be in by Monday 24 February.
The school will not be accepting paper orders, all orders must be placed online via Book Club LOOP for Parents. Details on ordering through LOOP are at the back of the catalogue.
Last term, Mrs Cain introduced me to Stroogle and told me about some of his adventures with students who borrowed him out from the library. I thought he must have been very bored over the holidays being all alone here so took him out to enjoy the park and a meal out before the return to school for the year. Who will take him on his next adventure?!