Kinder - Year 6 Learning Overviews for Term 1

Kindergarten Term 1 Overview
Year 1 Term 1 Overview
Year 2 Term 1 Overview
Year 3 Term 1 Overview
Year 4 Term 1 Overview
Year 4 Homework - We will be sending a Home Talk slip with each student on a Monday afternoon. We will also be sending out a times-table worksheet each Monday, which is to be completed and returned to school each Friday morning. A digital copy of the Home Talk will also be sent home on Compass each Monday.
Year 5 Term 1 Overview
English Writing Week 2 - 4:
Imaginative Texts and descriptions
Students will write a range of imaginative texts from their own ideas and from stimulus.
Students will identify and construct narratives using the correct structure.
English Writing Week 5 - 6:
Persuasive Texts
Students will write a range of persuasive texts from their own ideas and from stimulus.
Students will identify and construct persuasive texts using the correct structure.
English Writing: Week 7-8:
English Writing Week 9 - 11
English Reading: Novel study: The Glimme: Emily Rodda
Week 2 - 4 Reading Strategy :
Generating one’s own questions before, during and after reading
Making Connections
Making links, such as between what is read and other texts, and between what is read and oneself.
Combining the information written in the text with the reader’s own ideas to create their unique interpretation of the text.
Bringing together pieces of information from different sources during or after reading
Week 5 - 8 Reading Strategy :
Condensing information to the most important ideas.
Determining Importance
Making decisions about what is important in a text and what is not.
Combining the information written in the text with the reader’s own ideas to create their unique interpretation of the text.
Week 9 - 11 Reading Strategy : Summarizing
Making Connections
Making links, such as between what is read and other texts, and between what is read and oneself
Combining the information written in the text with the reader’s own ideas to create their unique interpretation of the text.
Week 2 - 3: Three-dimensional spatial structure
3D objects: Compare, describe and name prisms and pyramids.
Week 4 - 5: Represents numbers
Whole numbers: Recognise, represent and order numbers in the millions.
Week 6 - 7: Additive Relations
Apply efficient mental and written strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Week 8: Geometric: Measure: Position
Explore the Cartesian coordinate system
Week 9 - 11: Representing Quality Fractions
Recognise the role of the number 1 as representing the whole. Compare and order common unit fractions
Week 2 - 6 : The Reign of God: Reaching out in Justice.
This unit explores the Church’s mission to build a just world. Students will explore examples of injustice and how the Church continues the mission of Jesus by working for justice.
Week 7 - 11 : Lent a time for Growth
This unit explores the season of Lent as a time of conversion and growth. It presents Jesus’ passion as an experience of suffering and rejection. It also looks at Jesus’ response to a person suffering rejection.The Church’s celebration of the events of Holy Week will be presented and explored.
Week 2- 6 Space
Inquiry Question: How does the Earth compare to other planets in the solar system?
Week 7 - 11 (continued in Term 2) : Colonies
Students describe and explain the significance of colonial people and events to the development of Australia.
Every Thursday we will be writing our “Big Writes” so we will be sending home “Hometalk” every Tuesday or Wednesday. Families are asked to discuss the topic for the week to assist your child with ideas for that particular genre. We also encourage you to PLEASE listen to your child read. On the student's Google Classroom we have also added links to NAPLAN resources for you to access with your child to utilize for practice before the upcoming tests later in term 1.
Year 6 Term 1 Overview