Primary School

The smell of ANZAC biscuits baking and the hype around Cross Country highlighted Week Two in Primary School. Students have enjoyed learning experiences on the importance of ANZAC Day and preparing for the Cross Country and Grandparents’ Day. 

Culture, Engagement and Excellence 

Interhouse Cross Country 

In a turn-up from recent years, Camfield were the winners of the Primary School Interhouse Cross Country shield on Wednesday, narrowly taking out first place from Mokare with last year’s winners Wilson in third place, and Baudin in fourth. 


Well done to all of the students who participated with great sportsmanship and personal excellence on the day under perfect running conditions. 

Year Level 





Ally Buxton 

Sebastian Pyle 

Georgia Gent 

Beau Hartley 

River Williams 

Oakley Pyle 

Year One 

Emily Hicks 

Benjamin Fergie 

Rory de Groot 

Finn de Snoo 

Lucie McCutcheon 

Max Moir 

Year Two 

Rosie Mitrovski 

Hamish Field 

Pippa Hancock 

Sonny Willamson 

Saakhi Mann 

Harry Vesey 

Year Three 

Pippa Daniel 

Mason Fourie 

Stephanie Forgus 

Sascha Sitnikoski 

Hannah Fergie 

Faolan Williams 

Year Four 

Georgia Montgomery 

Tate Eckersley 

Appin Rivers 

Fraser Lester 

Sophie Mitrovski 

Edward Yeboah 

Year Five 

Edith de Jonge 

Malachy Williams 

Elora Moodie 

Cooper Lucas 

Roxanne Harvey 

Oliver McCutcheon 

Year Six 

Koa Doyle 

Robbie Fergie 

Ruth Toomey 

Chris Sleeman 

Alida Sitnikoski 

Henry Levett 


Grandparents’ Day 

We were delighted to welcome many grandparents and special friends to the school today to share our school and learning experiences with. Classes used their grandparents’ knowledge and experiences to learn from, created fantastic crafts, cooked and showcased their learning throughout the morning. A picnic morning tea was a lovely way to conclude the activities. 


We hope the experiences were valuable and memorable for all and showed our appreciation for the involvement our grandparents have in the lives of our students.


Years Five and Six Term Two Learning 

Our students in Years Three to Six have begun their learning for this term on the back of the excellent preparation by our classroom teachers. 


In Year Five, students are looking at 'How the World Works' and in particular what democracy is in Australia and why voting in a democracy is important. They are reading A Bridge to Terabithia and will get to create their own society (Terabithia) in Minecraft and compare it to Australia’s governing system. 


Our Year Six students are learning how Australian society changed in the 20th century due to reforms, people, policies and events.  


ECC Briefing 

Week Two already! 

The ECC is buzzing with excitement; classrooms are looking fantastic with a mix of new inquiries and some exciting learning opportunities including, mixtures, fairytales and class vets.  


Star Awards  

Kindergarten: Oscar Weatherill for an amazing painting of your holiday. 

Pre-Primary: Ava Ray for your enthusiastic effort to write about your holidays.  

Year One: Wesley Jenkins for wonderful writing in your holiday diary.  

Year Two: Sonny Williamson for wonderful work in Health with writing about your personal strength. 

Upcoming Events 

Friday 3 May - Foundation Day and Running of the Flags  

The School will be celebrating its 26th birthday with cake, an assembly and the annual Running of the Flags. 


The assembly is in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex, starting at 1.45pm and is open to all families, with the Running of the Flags beginning at 2.30pm in the Quadrangle. 


Well done to the students selected from Year Two and Six to run for their House on the day. Please can they attend on this day in the House shirt and PE uniform.  


Year Two

Baudin: Pippa Hancock and Alexander Standish 

Camfield: Aurora Leslie and Sonny Williamson 

Mokare: Lucy De Groot and Hunter Finaughty 

Wilson: Rosie Mitrovski and Hamish Field 


Year Six

Baudin: Kobi Rochester and Madeline McCutcheon 

Camfield: Joele Tralli and Ruth Toomey 

Mokare: Robbie Fergie and Maggie Stephens 

Wilson: Harry Berryman and Koa Doyle 


Have a lovely weekend

Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary

Primary Interschool Swimming Carnival 

On Wednesday 27 March, Great Southern Grammar attended the Years Four to Six Interschool Swimming Carnival at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre. Throughout the day the team was in fine voice giving our competing students a real buzz when taking to the water. All students were exceptionally well behaved, displaying fantastic sportsmanship and encouragement towards others. 


A big thank you to all the families who attended to support the children and to Miss Nichols and Ms Youens for helping organise the students.   


Congratulations to the following students: 

Year Six Champion Girl – Annie Newman 

Year Six Champion Boy – Joele Tralli 

Year Five Champion Girl – Emily Leov 

Year Five Runner Up Girl – Edith De Jonge 

Year Five Champion Boy – Malachy Williams 

Year Five Runner Up – Samuel Forgus 

Year Four Champion Girl – Laily Wrobel 


A special mention for the record breakers will be mentioned in the next newsletter once they have been confirmed from the organisers. 


Overall Results 

1st Great Southern Grammar  

2nd St Joseph’s College  

3rd Bethel Christian School 

4th Parklands Primary School 


Mr Stephen Berryman | Primary School Teacher and Sports Coordinator